

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::Builder::Tester tests => 23;
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;

BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::XPath' or die; }

my $html = '<html><head><title>Hello</title><body><p class="foo"><em><b>first</b></em></p><p><em><b>post</b></em></p></body></html>';

ok my $xp = Test::XPath->new(
    xml     => $html,
    is_html => 1,
), 'Create Test::XPath object';

# Try successful ok.
test_out( 'ok 1 - whatever');
$xp->ok('/html/head/title', 'whatever');
test_test('ok works');

# Try failed ok.
my $file = File::Spec->catfile(split m{/} => __FILE__);
test_out('not ok 1 - whatever');
test_err(qq{#   Failed test 'whatever'\n#   at $file line 26.});
$xp->ok('/html/head/foo', 'whatever');
test_test('ok fail works');

# Try a recursive call.
test_out( 'ok 1 - p');
test_out( 'ok 2 - em');
test_out( 'ok 3 - b');
test_out( 'ok 4 - em');
test_out( 'ok 5 - b');
$xp->ok( '/html/body/p', sub {
    shift->ok('./em', sub {
        $_->ok('./b', 'b');
    }, 'em');
}, 'p');
test_test('recursive ok should work');

# Try is, like, and cmp_ok.
$xp->is( '/html/head/title', 'Hello', 'is should work');
$xp->isnt( '/html/head/title', 'Bye', 'isnt should work');
$xp->like( '/html/head/title', qr{^Hel{2}o$}, 'like should work');
$xp->unlike( '/html/head/title', qr{^Bye$}, 'unlike should work');
$xp->cmp_ok('/html/head/title', 'eq', 'Hello', 'cmp_ok should work');

# Make them fail.
test_out('not ok 1 - is should work');
test_out('not ok 2 - isnt should work');
test_out('not ok 3 - like should work');
test_out('not ok 4 - unlike should work');
test_out('not ok 5 - cmp_ok should work');
$xp->is( '/html/head/title', 'Bye', 'is should work');
$xp->isnt( '/html/head/title', 'Hello', 'isnt should work');
$xp->like( '/html/head/title', qr{^Bye$}, 'like should work');
$xp->unlike( '/html/head/title', qr{^Hel{2}o$}, 'unlike should work');
$xp->cmp_ok('/html/head/title', 'ne', 'Hello', 'cmp_ok should work');
    skip_err => 1,
    title => 'Failures in the simple methods should work',

# Try multiples.
$xp->is('/html/body/p', 'firstpost', 'Should work for multiples');

# Try an attribute.
$xp->is('/html/body/p/@class', 'foo', 'Should get attribute value');
$xp->ok('/html/body/p[@class="foo"]', 'Should find by attribute value');

# Try a function.
$xp->is('count(/html/body/p)', 2, 'Should work for functions');

# Try boolean function.
$xp->ok('boolean(1)', 'boolean(1) should be true');
$xp->ok('true()', 'true() should be true');

# Try a false boolean.
test_out('not ok 1 - false boolean');
$xp->ok('false()', 'false boolean');
    skip_err => 1,
    title => 'Boolean true returned by XPath should be true in ok()',

# Try a comparison function.
$xp->ok('contains(//title, "Hell")', 'Title should contain "hell"');

# Try a false comparison.
test_out('not ok 1 - heck');
$xp->ok('contains(//title, "Heck")', 'heck');
    skip_err => 1,
    title => 'Boolean false returned by XPath should be false in ok()',

# Try a non-existent node.
test_out('not ok 1');
    skip_err => 1,
    title => 'Nonexistent node should be false in ok()',

# Try successful ok.
test_out( 'ok 1 - whatever');
$xp->not_ok('/html/head/foo', 'whatever');
test_test('not_ok works');

# Try failed ok.
test_out('not ok 1 - whatever');
test_err(qq{#   Failed test 'whatever'\n#   at $file line 114.});
$xp->not_ok('/html/head/title', 'whatever');
test_test('not_ok fail works');

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