
Matches 1303

Sidef ( T/TR/TRIZEN/Sidef-24.05.tar.gz, TRIZEN, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sidef/lib/Sidef/Object/Object.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )

=head2 |>

    a |> b

Returns the


=head2 ||

    a || b

Returns the


=head2 ~~

    a ~~ b

Returns the

Aliases: I<smartmatch>


=head2 ⫶

    a ⫶ b

Returns the


ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lpOD/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
            alert "Grouping not allowed"; return FALSE;
        my $tag = ($type ~~ ['column', 'row']) ?
                        'table:table-' . $type . '-group'       :
                        $min //= $v; $max //= $v;
                        given ($type)
                                when (['string', 'all']
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lpOD/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
        my $self        = shift;
        my $value       = shift // 'true';
        unless ($value ~~ ['true', 'none', 'condition'])
                if ($value == TRUE)
        my $self        = shift;
        my $value = $self->get_attribute('display');
        given ($value)
                when (undef)        { return TRUE   }
elf        = shift;
        my $type        = shift         or return undef;
        unless ($type ~~ [ 'standard', 'lines', 'line', 'curve' ])
                alert "Not allowed con
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lib/ODF/lpOD/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
             my $v;
# Originally this code used the being-discontinued given/when construct 
#   given ($opt{$k}) {
#     when(TRUE)   { $v = 'true' }    # TRUE is 1
#     when(FALSE)  { $v = 'none' }

sub is_numeric_family
		my $self	= shift;
		my $f		= shift		or return undef;
		return ($f ~~ @NUMERIC_FAMILIES) ? TRUE : FALSE;

                        my $family = $1;
                        if ($family ~~ [@FAMILIES])
                                return __PACKAGE__;
DB-Object ( J/JD/JDEGUEST/DB-Object-v1.4.0.tar.gz, JDEGUEST, 2024; MetaCPAN )
DB-Object/lib/DB/Object/Fields/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

        'eq'    => sub{ &_op_overload( @_, 'IS' ) },
        # Full Text Search operator
        '~~'    => sub{ &_op_overload( @_, '@@' ) },
        fallback => 1,
    use Want;
    our $VERS
are overloaded:

    +, -, *, /, %, <, <=, >, >=, !=, <<, >>, lt, gt, le, ge, ne, &, |, ^, ==, eq, ~~

Thus a field named "dummy" could be used like:

    $f + 10

which would become:

    dummy + 10
ceholder in:

    $f == "'JPY'"

Simply provide:

    $f == '?'

You can use the search operator C<~~> for SQL Full Text Search and it would be converted into C<@@>:

Let's imagine a table C<articles>
marc-moose ( F/FR/FREDERICD/marc-moose-1.0.49.tar.gz, FREDERICD, 2024; MetaCPAN )
marc-moose/lib/MARC/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
p { not $_->tag ~~ [qw(001 009 039 917 930 955)] } @{$record->fields}
     # Clean some subfields
     for my $field ( @{$record->fields} ) {
        next unless $field->tag ~~ [qw(410 461 60
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lpOD/Tutorial.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
                    my $cell = $table->get_cell($i, $j);
                    if ($cell->get_type ~~ $filter) {
                        $amount += $cell->get_value;
               my $cell = $row->get_cell($j) or last CELL;
                    if ($cell->get_type ~~ $filter) {
                        $amount += $cell->get_value;
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lpOD/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
                                my $v;
                                given ($opt{$k})
ype} || 'number';
        $e = ODF::lpOD::ListLevelStyle->create($type) or return FALSE;
        given ($type)
                when (['number', 'outline'])
        my $caller      = shift;
        my $type        = shift;
        my $tag;
        given ($type)
                when (undef)
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lpOD/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
        my $self        = shift;
        my $type        = shift;
        given ($type)
                when (undef)
my $self        = shift;
        my $type        = $self->get_type();
        my $value;
        given ($type)
                when ('string')
   my $type        = $self->get_type();

        my $v = check_odf_value($value, $type);
        given ($type)
                when ('string')
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lib/ODF/lpOD/Tutorial.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
                    my $cell = $table->get_cell($i, $j);
                    if ($cell->get_type ~~ $filter) {
                        $amount += $cell->get_value;
               my $cell = $row->get_cell($j) or last CELL;
                    if ($cell->get_type ~~ $filter) {
                        $amount += $cell->get_value;
ODF-lpOD ( A/AB/ABEVERLEY/ODF-lpOD-1.200.tar.gz, ABEVERLEY, 2024; MetaCPAN )
ODF-lpOD/lpOD/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
       my $param       = shift // "";
        $param          = shift if $param eq lpod;
        given ($param)
                when (undef)            {}
                when (TRUE 
     my $arg = shift;
        return FALSE unless $arg;
        my $v = lc $arg;
        return $v ~~ ["false", "off", "no"] ? FALSE : TRUE;

sub     is_false
        return is_tru
   = shift;
        return undef unless defined $value;
        my $type        = shift;
        given ($type)
                when (['float', 'currency', 'percentage'])
Metabolomics-Fragment-Annotation ( G/GI/GIACOMONI/Metabolomics-Fragment-Annotation-0.6.9.tar.gz, GIACOMONI, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Metabolomics-Fragment-Annotation/lib/PeakForest/REST_Client/Role/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
                               ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~

    format INHERIT_POD =
=head1 NAME


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~

    format ATTR_NARROW 
             ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~

    format ATTRHEAD_POD =

    format ATTR_POD =

Sidef ( T/TR/TRIZEN/Sidef-24.05.tar.gz, TRIZEN, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sidef/lib/Sidef/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
                  &&= &&

                  ^.. ..^

                  %% ≅
                  ~~ !~
                  <=> =~=
                  <<= >>=
>{value} = $block;

                return $obj;

            # "given(expr) {...}" construct
            if (/\Ggiven\b\h*/gc) {
                my $expr = (
of the `given/when` construct",
                                            reason => "expected `given(expr) {...}`",
                                            code   => $_,
Affix ( S/SA/SANKO/Affix-0.11.tar.gz, SANKO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Affix/lib/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
must be provided with more context data.

=head2 C<Pointer[ ... ]>

    Pointer[Int]  ~~ int *
    Pointer[Void] ~~ void *

Create pointers to (almost) all other defined types including C<Struct> and
            struct {
            year  => Int,               int year;
            month => Int,   ~~          int month;
            day   => Int                int day;

The argument list and return value must be defined. For example,
C<CodeRef[[Int, Int]=>Int]> ~~ C<typedef int (*fuc)(int a, int b);>; that is to
say our function accepts two integers and returns
Koha-Contrib-Sudoc ( F/FR/FREDERICD/Koha-Contrib-Sudoc-2.45.tar.gz, FREDERICD, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Koha-Contrib-Sudoc/share/lib/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
_tags = map { sprintf("%03d", $_) } ( 1..999 );
    for my $tag (@all_tags) {
        next if $tag ~~ @tags || $tag == '410'; # On passe, déjà traité plus haut
        my @fields = $sudoc->field($t
 sub {
    my ($self, $record) = @_;

    # Suppression des champs SUDOC dont on ne veut pas dans le catalogue
    $record->fields( [ grep { not $_->tag ~~ @todelete } @{$record->fields} ] );

App-InteractivePerlTutorial ( M/MG/MGV/App-InteractivePerlTutorial-0.000_001.tar.gz, MGV, 2015; MetaCPAN )
App-InteractivePerlTutorial/lib/App/InteractivePerlTutorial/Chapter/Smartmatch/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
Smart Matching';


=encoding utf-8

=head1 Smart matching

Basically, smart matching(C<~~>) look at both his operators and decides what to do with them.

=head3 Table for smart match opera
  %x ~~ %y                       hash keys identical
  %x ~~ @y or @x ~~ %y           at least one key in %x is in @y
  %x ~~ /text/ or /text/ ~~ %y   at least one key matches pattern
  'text' ~~ %x  

  @x ~~ @y                       arrays are the same
  @x ~~ /text/                   at least one element in @x matches pattern
  $name ~~ undef                 $name is not defined
  $name ~~ /text
String-Util-Match ( P/PE/PERLANCAR/String-Util-Match-0.005.tar.gz, PERLANCAR, 2024; MetaCPAN )
String-Util-Match/lib/String/Util/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
match (`~~`) operator can already match against a list of strings
or regexes, this function is currently basically equivalent to:

    if (ref($haystack) eq 'ARRAY') {
        return $needle ~~ @$hays
rtmatch (C<~~>) operator can already match against a list of strings
or regexes, this function is currently basically equivalent to:

 if (ref($haystack) eq 'ARRAY') {
     return $needle ~~ @$haystac
Sub-Go ( R/RO/RODRIGO/Sub-Go-0.01.tar.gz, RODRIGO, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Sub-Go/lib/Sub/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

        goto &$old_warn_handler if $old_warn_handler;
        warn( @_ );

use overload '~~' => \&over_go;
#use overload '>>' => \&over_go_assign;

sub over_go_assign {
           : $ret ~~ $_go_self->{rest};
        else {
            return $_go_self->{ by }
                ? $_go_self->{rest}->{code}->( @$ret )
                : $ret ~~ $_go_self->{rest}
1, 2, 3 ] ~~ go { say $_  };
    # 1
    # 2
    # 3

    # hashes with $a and $b

    %h ~~ go { say "key $a, value $b" };

    undef ~~ go {
        # never gets called...

    '' ~~ go {
autodie ( T/TO/TODDR/autodie-2.37.tar.gz, TODDR, 2023; MetaCPAN )
autodie/lib/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ned, @results ];
        elsif ( SMARTMATCH_ALLOWED ) {
            $match = q[ @results ~~ $hints->{list} ];
            warnings::warnif('deprecated', sprintf(WARNING_SMARTMATCH_DEPRECATED
!defined $retval ];
        elsif (SMARTMATCH_ALLOWED) {
            $match = q[ $retval ~~ $hints->{scalar} ];
            warnings::warnif('deprecated', sprintf(WARNING_SMARTMATCH_DEPRECAT
Text-CSV ( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.04.tar.gz, HMBRAND, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Text-CSV/Text-CSV-0.007/t/45_eol.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
     if ($expect.defined && $expect ~~ m/ "\r\n" /) {
                        my $r = $expect;
                        my $n = $expect;
                        $n ~~ s:g{ "\r\n" } = "\n";

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.