o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
fo string grammar in Marpa BNF
our $VERSION = '0.012'; # VERSION
our $GRAMMAR_CONTENT = do {local $/; <DATA>};
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
$self->{_content} = $GRAMMA
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
$file) = @_;
if (open my $fh, '>', $file) {
my $contents = do {
local $/;
$contents =~ s/use 5.XXX/use $]/;
print $fh $contents;
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# temporarily remove C comment
conf}->{username} = (((-e "/proc/$$/cmdline" && open(PROCCMDLINE,"/proc/$$/cmdline") && ($c=do{local $/; <PROCCMDLINE>}) && ($c=sub{ return $_[0] =~/[ \t\r\n]\-(?:(?:u)|(?:\-user))[='" ]*([^'" \t\r\n]
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
J, "$obj" or croak "Can't open $obj for reading $!";
# Slurp Perl code
my $code = do {local $/; <OBJ>};
close OBJ;
# Stop strict "vars" and "subs" propagating to the eval
no str
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm
o read from $filename: $!\n";
info("Scanning $filename ...");
my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
close IN;
my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
# Temporarily remove C/XS comm