
Matches 1302

Sim-OPT ( G/GL/GLBRUNE/Sim-OPT-0.729.tar.gz, GLBRUNE, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sim-OPT/lib/Sim/OPT/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 $clmfile . ".a";
  say MONITOR "CLMFILEA $clmfilea";

  #if ( ( "getweather" ~~ @calcprocedures ) or ( "embedded" ~~ @calcprocedure ) )
    if ( not ( -e $clmfilea ) )

    #if ( "embedded" ~~ @calcprocedures )
    #  defendshd( $shdfile );

`cd $path/cfg \n clm -file $paths{rootc
le $paths{rootconffile} -mode script<<YYY

      #if ( "embedded" ~~ @calcprocedures )
      #  restoreshd( $shdfile );

#  if (
Aion ( D/DA/DART/Aion-0.1.tar.gz, DART, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Aion/lib/Aion/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
l", as &Item, where { ref $_ eq "" and /^(1|0|)\z/ };
		subtype "Enum[A...]", as &Item, where { $_ ~~ ARGS };
		subtype "Maybe[A]", as &Item, where { !defined($_) || A->test };
		subtype "Undef", as &
	        message { "Speak is'nt included kitty!" };
	"Kitty!" ~~ SpeakOfKitty # -> 1
	"abc" ~~ SpeakOfKitty 	 # -> ""
	eval { SpeakOfKitty->validate("abc", "This") }; "$@" # ~>
		subtype IntOrArrayRef => as (Int | ArrayRef);
	[] ~~ IntOrArrayRef  # -> 1
	35 ~~ IntOrArrayRef  # -> 1
	"" ~~ IntOrArrayRef  # -> ""
	coerce IntOrArrayRef, from Num, via { int
Text-CSV ( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.04.tar.gz, HMBRAND, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Text-CSV/Text-CSV-0.007/lib/Text/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
$!text ~~ m{^ <[0..9]> } ?? +$!text
            !!                              $!text.unival.Int
            !! Num;

    method Real {
            ?? $!text ~~ m{^ <
   return; # Default is False for both

        $!text ~~ m:m{^ <[ \x09, \x20 .. \x7E ]>+ $} or
            $!is_binary = True;

        $!text ~~ m:m{^ <[ \x00       .. \x7F ]>+ $} or
                      $!sep ~~ m{<[\r\n]>}   and self!fail (1003);
        $!quo.defined and $!quo ~~ m{<[\r\n]>}   and self!fail (1003);
        $!esc.defined and $!esc ~~ m{<[\r\n]>}   and self!fail
Benchmark-Perl-Formance-Cargo ( S/SC/SCHWIGON/perl-formance/Benchmark-Perl-Formance-Cargo-0.07.tar.gz, SCHWIGON, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Benchmark-Perl-Formance-Cargo/share/P6STD/STD.pm6 ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    if $char ~~ /^\s$/ {
        self.panic("Whitespace character is not allowed as delimiter"); # "can't happen"
    elsif $char ~~ /^\w$/ {
     $text ~= $ch;
                            $to = $¢.pos;
                            if $ch ~~ "\n" {
.pos - self.pos);
            my ($inside) = $all ~~ m!^...\s*(.*?)\s*.$!;
            $¢.obs("Perl 5's $all construct", "a smartmatch like \$! ~~ $inside" );

    token special_var
FAST ( D/DH/DHARD/FAST-1.06.tar.gz, DHARD, 2015; MetaCPAN )
FAST/lib/FAST/List/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
], [b => 2], [c => 3]);

in scalar context, C< tuples > returns a generator:

    tuples(...)  ~~  zipwith {\@_} ...


    sub tuples {
        unless (wantarray) {
s by default

=over 4

=item * B<iteration>:

    $gen->next       # iterates over generator ~~ $gen->get($gen->index++)
    $gen->()         # same.  iterators return () when past the end

$gen->filter(do {my %seen; sub {not $seen{$_}++}})
    $gen->deref       # tuples($a, $b)->deref  ~~  zip($a, $b)

=item * B<combinations>:

    $gen->zip($gen2, ...)  # takes any number of gener
List-Gen ( A/AS/ASG/List-Gen-0.974.tar.gz, ASG, 2011; MetaCPAN )
List-Gen/lib/List/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
], [b => 2], [c => 3]);

in scalar context, C< tuples > returns a generator:

    tuples(...)  ~~  zipwith {\@_} ...


    sub tuples {
        unless (wantarray) {
s by default

=over 4

=item * B<iteration>:

    $gen->next       # iterates over generator ~~ $gen->get($gen->index++)
    $gen->()         # same.  iterators return () when past the end

$gen->filter(do {my %seen; sub {not $seen{$_}++}})
    $gen->deref       # tuples($a, $b)->deref  ~~  zip($a, $b)

=item * B<combinations>:

    $gen->zip($gen2, ...)  # takes any number of gener
Aion ( D/DA/DART/Aion-0.1.tar.gz, DART, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Aion/lib/Aion/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
		__PACKAGE__->new(name => "Exclude", args => [$type1], test => sub { !$type1->test });
	"~~" => "include",

# конструктор
# * args (ArrayRef) — Список аргументо
	my $Int = Aion::Type->new(name => "Int", test => sub { /^-?\d+$/ });
	12   ~~ $Int # => 1
	12.1 ~~ $Int # -> ""
	my $Char = Aion::Type->new(name => "Char", test => sub { /^.\z/ });
	77   ~~ $IntOrChar # => 1
	"a"  ~~ $IntOrChar # => 1
	"ab" ~~ $IntOrChar # -> ""
	my $Digit = $Int & $Char;
	7  ~~ $Digit # => 1
	77 ~~ $Digit # -> ""
	"a" ~~ ~$Int; # => 1
	5   ~~ ~$Int; # 
Sidef ( T/TR/TRIZEN/Sidef-24.01.tar.gz, TRIZEN, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sidef/lib/Sidef/Object/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 ~~ RangeString
                if (UNIVERSAL::isa($second, 'Sidef::Types::Range::RangeString')) {
                    return $second->contains($first);

                # String ~~ 
           if (UNIVERSAL::isa($first, 'Sidef::Types::Number::Number')) {

                # Number ~~ RangeNumber
                if (UNIVERSAL::isa($second, 'Sidef::Types::Range::RangeNumber')) {
  if (UNIVERSAL::isa($first, 'Sidef::Types::Range::RangeNumber')) {

                # RangeNumber ~~ Number
                if (UNIVERSAL::isa($second, 'Sidef::Types::Number::Number')) {
Sim-OPT ( G/GL/GLBRUNE/Sim-OPT-0.729.tar.gz, GLBRUNE, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sim-OPT/lib/Sim/OPT/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
					push ( @{ $morphstruct[$countcase][$countblock] }, $to{cleanto} );

					#	if ( ( not ( $to ~~ @morphcases ) ) or ( $dowhat{actonmodels} eq "y" ) )
					if ( ( $dowhat{actonmodels} eq "y" ) and
percube} eq "yes" ) or ( $dirfiles{ga} eq "yes" ) )
								if ( ( "begin" ~~ @whatto ) and ( not ( "end" ~~ @whatto ) ) and ( $dowhat{jumpinst} eq "yes" ) )
									$orig = "$mypa
LEVEL 1a: cp -R $orig $target\n\n";
								elsif ( ( "begin" ~~ @whatto )  and ( not ( "end" ~~ @whatto ) ) and ( not ( $dowhat{jumpinst} eq "yes" ) ) )
Sim-OPT ( G/GL/GLBRUNE/Sim-OPT-0.729.tar.gz, GLBRUNE, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sim-OPT/lib/Sim/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
	foreach my $inst_r ( @instances )
		my %d = %{ $inst_r };
		my $is = $d{is};

		unless ( $is ~~ @bagnames )
			push( @bagnames, $is );
			push( @baginst, $inst_r );
	return( @baginst 
hash = %{ $_[0] };
	my ( @bagnames, %newhash );
	foreach my $key ( keys %hash )
		unless ( $key ~~ @bagnames )
			push( @bagnames, $key );
			$newhash{$key} = $hash{$key};
  return( \%ne
	foreach my $instance ( @fewerinsts )
		my %d = %{ $instance };
		unless ( $d{is} ~~ @fewerinstnames )
			push( @fewerinstnames, $d{is} );
	say $tee "FEWERINSTNAMES" . dump
Data-DPath ( S/SC/SCHWIGON/Data-DPath-0.59.tar.gz, SCHWIGON, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Data-DPath/lib/Data/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 $resultlist = $data ~~ dpath '/AAA/*/CCC';        # [ ['XXX', 'YYY', 'ZZZ'], [ 'RR1', 'RR2', 'RR3' ] ]

Note that the C<match()> function returns an array but the overloaded
C<~~> operator returns an
ove data structure):

 $data ~~ dpath '/AAA/*/CCC'
 $data ~~ dpath '/AAA/BBB/CCC/../..'    # parents  (..)
 $data ~~ dpath '//AAA'                 # anywhere (//)
 $data ~~ dpath '//AAA/*'            
  # anywhere + anystep
 $data ~~ dpath '//AAA/*[size == 3]'    # filter by arrays/hash size
 $data ~~ dpath '//AAA/*[size != 3]'    # filter by arrays/hash size
 $data ~~ dpath '/"EE/E"/CCC'          
POD2-ES/lib/POD2/ES/perlop.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
.	operadores unarios nombrados
    no asoc.	< > <= >= lt gt le ge
    no asoc.	== != <=> eq ne cmp ~~
    izquierda	&
    izquierda	| ^
    izquierda	&&
    izquierda	|| //
    no asoc.	..  ...
derecha. X<cmp>

El binario C<"~~"> hace una coincidencia inteligente entre sus argumentos. La
Coincidencia inteligente se describe en la sección siguiente. X<~~>

C<"lt">, C<"le">, C<"ge">, C<"g
or primera vez en Perl 5.10.1 (la versión 5.10.0 se comportaba de
manera diferente), el binario C<~~> hace una "coincidencia inteligente" entre
sus argumentos. Casi siempre se usa implícitamente en 
Unicode-Tussle ( B/BD/BDFOY/Unicode-Tussle-1.115.tar.gz, BDFOY, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Unicode-Tussle/lib/Unicode/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
d(NUM) && () ~~ [1..10]' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && [1..10] ~~ NUM' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && [1..1] ~~ NUM' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && ! (NUM() ~~ [0..10])' | 
less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && ! NUM() ~~ [0..10]' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM <= 10'
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM <= 10' | less
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM <= 10' | 
less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && ! NUM() ~~ [1..10]' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM() ~~ [1..10]' | less -r
    unichars '\d' '\p{common}'
    unichars '\d' '\p{Latin}
    unichars '
Unicode-Tussle ( B/BD/BDFOY/Unicode-Tussle-1.115.tar.gz, BDFOY, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Unicode-Tussle/script/oscon-whatis.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
d(NUM) && () ~~ [1..10]' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && [1..10] ~~ NUM' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && [1..1] ~~ NUM' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && ! (NUM() ~~ [0..10])' | 
less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && ! NUM() ~~ [0..10]' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM <= 10'
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM <= 10' | less
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM <= 10' | 
less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && ! NUM() ~~ [1..10]' | less -r
    unichars 'defined(NUM) && NUM() ~~ [1..10]' | less -r
    unichars '\d' '\p{common}'
    unichars '\d' '\p{Latin}
    unichars '
Smart-Match ( L/LE/LEONT/Smart-Match-0.008.tar.gz, LEONT, 2015; MetaCPAN )
Smart-Match/lib/Smart/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
	return match { return $_ ~~ $match for $sub->() };

sub any {
	my @possibilities = @_;
	return match {
		for my $candidate (@possibilities) {
			return 1 if $_ ~~ $candidate;
rn match { scalar hash and [ sort keys %{$_} ] ~~ [ sort keys %{$hash} ] };

sub value {
	my $value = shift;
	return $value if blessed($value);
	given (ref $value) {
		when ('') {
			return $value;

Smart::Match - Smart matching utilities

=head1 VERSION

version 0.008


 given ($foo) {
     say "We've got a positive number" when positive;
     say "We've got an array" when
Unix-Passwd-File ( P/PE/PERLANCAR/Unix-Passwd-File-0.251.tar.gz, PERLANCAR, 2020; MetaCPAN )
Unix-Passwd-File/lib/Unix/Passwd/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
up; $i++) {
                my @mm = split /,/, $group->[$i][3];
                next unless $user ~~ @mm || $group->[$i][0] eq $user;
                if (!$detail) {
                    push @rows, $
return undef unless $res->[0] == 200;
    my @mm = split /,/, $res->[2]{members};
    return $user ~~ @mm ? 1:0;

$SPEC{get_max_uid} = {
    v => 1.1,
    summary => 'Get maximum UID used',
             for ($min_gid .. $max_gid) {
                        do { $gid = $_; last } unless $_ ~~ @gids;
                    return [412, "Can't find available GID"]
Sim-OPT ( G/GL/GLBRUNE/Sim-OPT-0.729.tar.gz, GLBRUNE, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Sim-OPT/lib/Sim/OPT/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

  my @int = get_intersection( \@aa, \@bb );
  foreach my $el ( @aa )
    if ( not ( $_ ~~ @int ) )
    #if ( not ( any { $_ eq $el } @int ) )
      push ( @difference, $_ );
y = @{ $modality_ref };

    my @neighbours;
    my %bank;

    my @newneighbours;
    if ( "flat" ~~ @modality )
      foreach my $e ( @arra )
        push ( @newneighbours, $e->[0] );
 if ( ( $el->[2] ne "" ) and ( $el->[3] >= $minimumcertain ) )
        unless ( "bankflat" ~~ @modality )
          if ( scalar( @{ $nears{$el->[0]}{neighbours} } ) == 0 )
Lingua-EN-Inflexion ( D/DC/DCONWAY/Lingua-EN-Inflexion-0.002008.tar.gz, DCONWAY, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Lingua-EN-Inflexion/lib/Lingua/EN/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
turns true if any one pair of
inflexions matches (case-insensitively).

That is:

    noun($word1) ~~ noun($word2)

is just a shorthand for:

       lc(noun($word1)->singular)          eq lc(noun($wor
 is then smartmatched
against the other argument.

That is:

    $something_else ~~ noun($word1)
       noun($word1) ~~ $something_else

are just slightly shorter (and less order-specific) ways of wri
 ~~ noun($word2)         # (ditto)

    noun($word1) =~ $word2         # $word1 matches $word2 exactly

    noun($word1) ~~ $word2         # any inflexion of $word1 matches $word2

    noun($word1) ~~
Text-CSV ( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.04.tar.gz, HMBRAND, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Text-CSV/Text-CSV-0.007/t/55_combi.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
r escape sequence", "Illegal combo 1001");
        #%state{1001} ~~ m{"separator is equal to"} or warn "HELP";
        #%state{1001} ~~ m{"separator is equal to"} or die %state{1001};
te{1001}.defined and
            %attr<sep_char>    ~~ m/[\r\n]/ ||
            %attr<quote_char>  ~~ m/[\r\n]/ ||
            %attr<escape_char> ~~ m/[\r\n]/
            ) {
        ok (%state{1003}.
tate{1003} ~~ rx{"in main attr not"}, "Illegal combo (1003)");
    if (%attr<allow_whitespace> and
            %attr<quote_char>  ~~ m/^[ \t]/ ||
            %attr<escape_char> ~~ m/^[ \t]/
Perl-Tidy ( S/SH/SHANCOCK/Perl-Tidy-20240202.tar.gz, SHANCOCK, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Perl-Tidy/lib/Perl/Tidy/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
r term is expected
        # next.
        if ( $rsquare_bracket_type->[$square_bracket_depth] eq '~~' ) {
            $tok = $rsquare_bracket_type->[$square_bracket_depth];

        if ( $s
'||=' => undef,
        ##  '//=' => undef,
        ##  '~'   => undef,
        ##  '~~'  => undef,
        ##  '!~~' => undef,


    # ---------------------------------------------------------
|| >= != mm *= => .. !~ == && |= .= pp -= =~ += <= %= ^= x= ~~ ** << /=
      &= // >> ~. &. |. ^.
      ... **= <<= >>= &&= ||= //= <=> !~~ &.= |.= ^.= <<~
    push @q, ',';
    push @q, '('; 

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.