
Matches 1303

Acme-CPANModules-VersionNumber-Perl ( P/PE/PERLANCAR/Acme-CPANModules-VersionNumber-Perl-0.002.tar.gz, PERLANCAR, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Acme-CPANModules-VersionNumber-Perl/lib/Acme/CPANModules/VersionNumber/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 can be converted to decimal ("numified") form using this
convention: minor and lesser parts are given (at least) three decimal digits
each. For example, 1.2.3 becomes 1.002003. 1.20.3 becomes 1.02000
 can be converted to decimal ("numified") form using this
convention: minor and lesser parts are given (at least) three decimal digits
each. For example, 1.2.3 becomes 1.002003. 1.20.3 becomes 1.02000
Compress-BGZF ( V/VO/VOLKENING/Compress-BGZF-0.007001.tar.gz, VOLKENING, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Compress-BGZF/lib/Compress/BGZF/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
f (defined $block_offset
        && $block_offset == $self->{block_offset});

    # if no offset given (e.g. sequential reads), move to next block
    if (! defined $block_offset) {
Test-Inter ( S/SB/SBECK/Test-Inter-1.11.tar.gz, SBECK, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Test-Inter/lib/Test/Inter.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 actually a short description of the
test). Whenever a test result is reported, the name will be given (if
one was specified).

The name may not have a '#' in it.

The name is completely optional, but
Acme-CPANModules-GrepVariants ( P/PE/PERLANCAR/Acme-CPANModules-GrepVariants-0.012.tar.gz, PERLANCAR, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Acme-CPANModules-GrepVariants/lib/Acme/CPANModules/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
patterns to appear in a line (in no particular order). Normally, when multiple
patterns are given (via multiple `-e` or `--regexp` options), grep will include
lines that just contain at least one
patterns to appear in a line (in no particular order). Normally, when multiple
patterns are given (via multiple C<-e> or C<--regexp> options), grep will include
lines that just contain at least o
LaTeXML ( B/BR/BRMILLER/LaTeXML-0.8.8.tar.gz, BRMILLER, 2024; MetaCPAN )
LaTeXML/lib/LaTeXML/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
en created.
# scriptpos = (pre|mod|post) number; where number is the binding-level.
# If $pos is given (pre|mid|post), it overrides the position implied by the script
sub NewScript {
  my ($base, $scr
App-Music-ChordPro ( J/JV/JV/App-Music-ChordPro-6.050.7.tar.gz, JV, 2024; MetaCPAN )
App-Music-ChordPro/lib/ChordPro/lib/SVGPDF/Contrib/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
xis pointing "northwest". 
The default value is 0 (no rotation).

=item 'full' => color_spec

If given (no default), draw the full ellipse (not just the arc) 
in this color, with a dot at its center. 
SVGPDF ( J/JV/JV/SVGPDF-0.086.2.tar.gz, JV, 2024; MetaCPAN )
SVGPDF/lib/SVGPDF/Contrib/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
xis pointing "northwest". 
The default value is 0 (no rotation).

=item 'full' => color_spec

If given (no default), draw the full ellipse (not just the arc) 
in this color, with a dot at its center. 
Tickit-Widget-FileViewer ( T/TE/TEAM/Tickit-Widget-FileViewer-0.005.tar.gz, TEAM, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Tickit-Widget-FileViewer/lib/Tickit/Widget/FileViewer.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ta> and L</render_line_number>
to do the actual drawing.

=head2 render_line_number

Renders the given (zero-based) line number at the current
cursor position.

Subclasses should override this to prov
Net-API-REST ( J/JD/JDEGUEST/Net-API-REST-v1.2.1.tar.gz, JDEGUEST, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Net-API-REST/lib/Net/API/REST/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
he current parameter

=item strip_like($regex)

Remove all parameters whose names match the given (qr-quoted) regex e.g.


Does NOT match against parameter values.

Tickit-Widget-FileViewer ( T/TE/TEAM/Tickit-Widget-FileViewer-0.005.tar.gz, TEAM, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Tickit-Widget-FileViewer/lib/Tickit/Widget/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

=head2 render_line_number

Renders the given (zero-based) line number at the current
cursor position.

Subclasses should override this to prov
Text-CSV ( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.04.tar.gz, HMBRAND, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Text-CSV/Text-CSV-0.007/t/16_methods.t ( view source; MetaCPAN ),            "new");

ok (my $version = $csv.version,         "version");
ok ($version ~~ m{^ <[0..9.-]>+ $},     "CSV-$version");

is ($csv.quote_char,            '"',    "quote_char");
Text-CSV ( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.04.tar.gz, HMBRAND, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Text-CSV/Text-CSV-0.007/t/79_callbacks.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

$fh = open $tfn, :r;
sub Filter (CSV::Row $r) returns Bool { +$r[0] % 2 && $r[1] ~~ /^ <[abcd]> / ?? True !! False };
$csv =;
ok ($csv.callbacks ("filter", &Filter), "A
Text-CSV ( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Text-CSV-2.04.tar.gz, HMBRAND, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Text-CSV/Text-CSV-0.007/t/20_file.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
and @arg = (",", "", "");
    loop (my $a = 0; $a < @arg.elems; $a++) {
	my $exp = @arg[$a];
	$exp ~~ s{^ '"' (.*) '"' $} = $0;
	is (@row[$a].text, $exp, "$tst - field $a");
    ok ($csv.parse ("")
App-SeismicUnixGui ( G/GL/GLLORE/App-SeismicUnixGui-0.87.1.tar.gz, GLLORE, 2024; MetaCPAN )
App-SeismicUnixGui/lib/App/SeismicUnixGui/sunix/shapeNcut/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 the directory in which perl thinks the code is running.

 2. If a list of su_base_file_names is given (in $DATA_SEISMIC_TXT)
 split files are written to $DATA_SEISMIC_SU.

 3. If an su_base_file_name
Image-ExifTool ( E/EX/EXIFTOOL/Image-ExifTool-12.76.tar.gz, EXIFTOOL, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Image-ExifTool/lib/Image/ExifTool/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
l has access to @val if required)
        # evaluate advanced formatting expression if given (eg. "${TAG;EXPR}")
        if (defined $expr and defined $val) {
            local $SIG{'__WARN_
App-SeismicUnixGui ( G/GL/GLLORE/App-SeismicUnixGui-0.87.1.tar.gz, GLLORE, 2024; MetaCPAN )
App-SeismicUnixGui/sunix/shapeNcut/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ten to 
 the directory perl thinks the code is running .

 2. If a list of su_base_file_names is given (in $DATA_SEISMIC_TXT)
 split files are written to $DATA_SEISMIC_SU.

 3. If an su_base_file_name
XS-libdwarf ( S/SY/SYBER/XS-libdwarf-20230906.0.tar.gz, DMOL, 2024; MetaCPAN )
XS-libdwarf/libdwarf/dwarfdump/print_reloc_decls.h ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 the incoming scn_name is known, record the name
    in our reloc section names table.
    For a given (debug) section there can be a .rel or a .rela,
    not both.
    The name-to-index in this table
Venus ( A/AW/AWNCORP/Venus-4.15.tar.gz, AWNCORP, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Venus/lib/Venus/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

with 'Venus::Role::Stashable';

use overload (
  '""' => sub{$_[0]->catch('error')->explain},
  '~~' => sub{$_[0]->catch('error')->explain},
  fallback => 1,


attr 'frame';
attr 'na


=over 4

=item operation: C<(~~)>

This package overloads the C<~~> operator.

B<example 1>

  # given: synopsis;

  my $result = $throw ~~ 'Exception!';

  # 1


=head1 AUTHORS
Venus ( A/AW/AWNCORP/Venus-4.15.tar.gz, AWNCORP, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Venus/lib/Venus/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
  'ne' => sub{$_[0]->value ne "$_[1]"},
  'qr' => sub{qr/@{[quotemeta($_[0]->value)]}/},
  '~~' => 'explain',
  fallback => 1,


sub _exitcode {
  $? >> 8;


sub assertio

  # 1


=over 4

=item operation: C<(~~)>

This package overloads the C<~~> operator.

B<example 1>

  # given: synopsis;

  my $result = $path ~~ 't/data/planets';

  # 1


=head1 AUTH
Venus ( A/AW/AWNCORP/Venus-4.15.tar.gz, AWNCORP, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Venus/lib/Venus/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
0]" + 0) >= ($_[1] + 0)},
  'eq' => sub{"$_[0]" eq "$_[1]"},
  'ne' => sub{"$_[0]" ne "$_[1]"},
  '~~' => 'explain',
  fallback => 1,


attr 'day';
attr 'month';
attr 'year';
attr 'hou

  # 1


=over 4

=item operation: C<(~~)>

This package overloads the C<~~> operator.

B<example 1>

  # given: synopsis;

  my $result = $date ~~ '570672000';

  # 1


=head1 AUTHORS

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.