
Matches 1303

OpenFrame-WebApp ( S/SP/SPURKIS/OpenFrame-WebApp-0.04.tar.gz, SPURKIS, 2003; MetaCPAN )
OpenFrame-WebApp/lib/OpenFrame/WebApp/Template/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
new_template( $file, ... )

creates a new template wrapper of the appropriate type for the $file given
(if C<template_directory> is set, it is treated as the root directory).
passes all other argument
Config-Manager ( S/ST/STBEY/Config-Manager-1.7.tar.gz, STBEY, 2003; MetaCPAN )
Config-Manager/lib/Config/Manager/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

uses a colon (":").

=item *

C<$error = MakeDir($dir);>

This function recursively creates the given (absolute)
path (note that the path is normalized using the
"Normalize()" function above before b
Msql-Mysql-modules ( J/JW/JWIED/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2219.tar.gz, JWIED, 2001; MetaCPAN )
Msql-Mysql-modules/tests/msql2.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
l", "~~nodbd_driver~~/t/") {
    if (-f $file) {
	do $file;
if (!$mdriver || ($mdriver ne "mSQL" && $mdriver ne "mSQL1")) {
    print "1..0\n"; exit 0;
$| = 1;
eval "use ~~nodbd
my $db = ~~nodbd_driver~~->connect("~~test_host~~", "~~test_db~~");
if ($db->getserverinfo lt 2) {
    print "1..0\n";
print "1..37\n";

print "ok 1\n";

    my $db = ~~nodbd_driver~~->connect("~~test_host~~","~~test_db~~");
    $t[0] = create(
		   "( id char(4) not null, longish text(30) )");
    $t[1] = create(
List-Indexed ( A/AR/ARPADF/List-Indexed-1.0.tar.gz, ARPADF, 2003; MetaCPAN )
List-Indexed/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
EY, ELEMENT) pair to the end of the list.

=item insert_at (POSITION, KEY, ELEMENT)

Inserts the given (KEY, ELEMENT) pair at the given position in list. POSITION 
is usually returned by a previous fi
rubyisms ( S/SI/SIMON/rubyisms-1.0.tar.gz, SIMON, 2003; MetaCPAN )
rubyisms/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    if ((!@their_args) or ref $their_args[0] ne "CODE") {
        croak "no block given (LocalJumpError)";
    my @stuff = (@_||$_);
        unless $
ByClock ( S/SC/SCHAFFTER/ByClock-1.01.tar.gz, SCHAFFTER, 2002; MetaCPAN )
ByClock/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
e 0 - 59 will be ignored
and a warning (carp) will be written to the terminal.
If no 'times' are given (no parameters), then the internally
stored list of 'times' will be cleared.
Returns the newly st
DBSchema-Normalizer ( G/GM/GMAX/DBSchema-Normalizer-0.08.tgz, GMAX, 2002; MetaCPAN )
DBSchema-Normalizer/docs/Normalizer.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 sent to STDOUT. 
	                Using "2", even more verbose information is 
	                given (all queries printed before execution);
	                Level "3" will also show details about s
DBSchema-Normalizer ( G/GM/GMAX/DBSchema-Normalizer-0.08.tgz, GMAX, 2002; MetaCPAN )
DBSchema-Normalizer/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 sent to STDOUT. 
	                Using "2", even more verbose information is 
	                given (all queries printed before execution);
	                Level "3" will also show details about s
Hardware-iButton ( S/SC/SCOTT/Hardware-iButton-0.03.tar.gz, SCOTT, 2002; MetaCPAN )
Hardware-iButton/lib/Hardware/iButton/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ly code is given, the search
is restricted to devices of that family type. If a serial number is given
(which must be a 12 character string), then the bus is searched for that one
particular device (f
Variable-Alias ( B/BR/BRENTDAX/Variable-Alias-0.01.tar.gz, BRENTDAX, 2002; MetaCPAN )
Variable-Alias/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 of the same type as the original"
            unless ref $dest eq ref $src;
        given(ref $dest) {
            when('SCALAR') {
                tie($$dest, 'Variable::Alias::Scalar'
WebTools ( J/JL/JLISHEV/WebTools-1.27.tar.gz, JLISHEV, 2002; MetaCPAN )
WebTools/lib/libs/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
, it is useful
# to combine both the form and the script in one place.  If no parameters
# are given (i.e., ReadParse returns FALSE), then a form could be output.

# If a reference to a hash is gi
Net-ext ( S/SP/SPIDB/Net-ext-1.011.tar.gz, SPIDB, 2002; MetaCPAN )
Net-ext/xlib/Test/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
~~                                            ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
DDL-Oracle ( R/RV/RVSUTHERL/DDL-Oracle-1.11.tar.gz, RVSUTHERL, 2002; MetaCPAN )
DDL-Oracle/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

  or moved eleehwhere.  Likewise, unless an alternate tablespace other than
  THE TABLESPACE is given (or if the named alternate tablespace does not
  exist), then the empty partition segments will a
Data-Reporter ( R/RV/RVAZ/Data-Reporter-1.4.tar.gz, RVAZ, 2002; MetaCPAN )
Data-Reporter/Reporter/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
value			Display
(xxx)bxxx-xxxx		2169910551		(216) 991-0551
xxx-xx-xxxx   		123456789 		123-45-6789
~~xx~xx       		ABCDEFGHIJ		CDFG



=item numerical

The following table list the numeric
Text-BasicTemplate ( D/DC/DCARRAWAY/Text-BasicTemplate-2.006.1.tar.gz, DCARRAWAY, 2002; MetaCPAN )
Text-BasicTemplate/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
RMATTING>).  Subroutine
references may also be included in the dictionary; in their
simple form, given ( subref => \&myfunction ), %subref% in
the template will be evaluated to whatever is returned fr
perltk ( R/RK/RKIES/perltk-800.023_5.00503-sol8-sparc.tar.gz, RKIES, 2002; MetaCPAN )
perltk/root/usr/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/Tk/place.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
Thus if I<where> is B<se> then the lower-right corner of
I<$slave>'s border will appear at the given (x,y) location
in the master.
The anchor position defaults to B<nw>.

=item B<-width> => I<size>
DBD-RAM ( J/JZ/JZUCKER/DBD-RAM-0.072.tar.gz, JZUCKER, 2000; MetaCPAN )
DBD-RAM/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

      data_type   => 'USR',
      data_source => "1~~2~~3\n4~~5~~6\n",
      read_sub    => sub { split /~~/,shift },
 },'import' );

That would build a table with two rows of thr
Carp-Datum ( S/SQ/SQUIRREL/Carp-Datum-0.1.3.tar.gz, SQUIRREL, 2002; MetaCPAN )
Carp-Datum/Datum/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
The stripped version will be written to I<new_file>.

If the optional third argument I<ext> is given (e.g. ".bak"),
then I<old_file> will be renamed with the supplied extension, and I<new_file>
Syndication-NITF ( B/BQ/BQUINN/Syndication-NITF-0.02.tar.gz, BQUINN, 2001; MetaCPAN )
Syndication-NITF/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
IED; # identifying code
	$self->{_hasText} = 1;

# Syndication::NITF::name.given -- person's given (Western, first) name
package Syndication::NITF::namegiven;
use Carp;
@ISA = qw( Syndication::N
Orac-alpha ( A/AN/ANDYDUNC/Orac-alpha-1.2.6.tar.gz, ANDYDUNC, 2001; MetaCPAN )
Orac-alpha/DDL/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

  or moved eleehwhere.  Likewise, unless an alternate tablespace other than
  THE TABLESPACE is given (or if the named alternate tablespace does not
  exist), then the empty partition segments will a

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.