
Matches 1303

Acme-Smirch ( J/JN/JNAGRA/Acme-Smirch-0.91.tar.gz, JNAGRA, 2001; MetaCPAN )
Acme-Smirch/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
$_ = <CLEAN>;
  print "$celebrity already smeared\n" and exit unless famous $_;
  @dirt = qw&@- /. ~~ ;# ;; ;. ,. ); () *+ __ -( /@ .% /| ;_&; s/(.)/$dirt[ord($1)>>4].$dirt[ord($1)&15]/egs;
  open A, 
%_+&~~;# ~~/.~~
         ;_);;.);;#)               ;~~~~;_,.~~,.* +,./|~
    ~;_);@-,  .;.); ~             ~,./@@-__);@-);~~,.*+,.
  /|);;;~~@-~~~~;;(),.           ;.,./@,./@,.;_~~@-););,.
Zobel ( D/DY/DYACOB/Zobel-0.20-100701.tar.gz, DYACOB, 2001; MetaCPAN )
Zobel/bin/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ce, it is useful
# to combine both the form and the script in one place.  If no parameters
# are given (i.e., ReadParse returns FALSE), then a form could be output.

# If a reference to a hash is give
Pod2VMSHlp ( P/PV/PVHP/Pod2VMSHlp-1.02.tar.gz, PVHP, 2001; MetaCPAN )
Pod2VMSHlp/Pod/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ndicates a bug in Pod::Dsr.

=item Invalid quote specification "%s"

(F) The quote specification given (the quotes option to the constructor) was
invalid.  A quote specification must be one, two, or f
Monkeywrench ( C/CN/CNATION/Monkeywrench-1.0.tar.gz, CNATION, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Monkeywrench/lib/HTTP/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
= $self->cookie_jar->as_string;
				$~ = "COOKIES";
				format COOKIES =
~~            ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Language-Basic ( A/AK/AKARGER/Language-Basic-1.44.tar.gz, AKARGER, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Language-Basic/lib/Language/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
package Language::Basic::Line;
use Language::Basic::Common;

# Make a new LB::Line with the text given (don't parse it yet)
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $text = shift;
    my $line_number =
Geanfammer ( J/JO/JONG/Geanfammer_V3.4.tar.gz, JONG, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Geanfammer/Bin/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

print "\n\n\n#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
print "# (1) $0: The Geanfammer started ... BEFORE parsing A
leeping for 3 seconds"; sleep 3;

    # (0) When one file input was given (yes, divclus can handle multiple files,
st_in_divide_clusters(\@good, \@bad);

	 # when more than one single file input is given (Default usually)
Geanfammer ( J/JO/JONG/Geanfammer_V3.4.tar.gz, JONG, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Geanfammer/Bin/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
y @sso_files=@{&parse_arguments(1)}; ## SSO files are (xx.ssso, xx.fsso, xx.sso)

#  Default parameter setting
 MSP file out format, so $big_out_msp1 \n";

   #  (1) When File was given(normal situ) to this sub routine
m=$margin", $over_write,
          # Write MSP and finish off
Geanfammer ( J/JO/JONG/Geanfammer_V3.4.tar.gz, JONG, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Geanfammer/Bin/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
y @sso_files=@{&parse_arguments(1)}; ## SSO files are (xx.ssso, xx.fsso, xx.sso)

#  Default parameter setting
 MSP file out format, so $big_out_msp1 \n";

   #  (1) When File was given(normal situ) to this sub routine
m=$margin", $over_write,
          # Write MSP and finish off
Geanfammer ( J/JO/JONG/Geanfammer_V3.4.tar.gz, JONG, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Geanfammer/Bin/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
== Default parameters used ==========================

my $good_bad;

# (1) Getting the input MSPA (matching seq pair) format file
ide_clusters sub are: \"@file\"";
    # (0) When one file input was given (yes, divclus can handle multiple files,
n_divide_clusters(\@good, \@bad);

	 # when more than one single file input is given (Default usually)
Win32-RASE ( M/MB/MBLAZ/Win32-RASE-1.01.tar.gz, MBLAZ, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Win32-RASE/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
y give only one of these two values. C<CountryCode>
would be counted properly if C<CountryID> is given (described in
C<TAPIlineGetTranslateCaps()> section). But if you'll give C<CountryCode>
Persistent-Base ( D/DW/DWINTERS/Persistent-Base-0.52.tar.gz, DWINTERS, 2000; MetaCPAN )
Persistent-Base/lib/Persistent/DataType/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
are set to undef.

=item I<$year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec>

If more than one argument is given (and less than 7), it is assumed
that the date and time are being given as a series of integers i
dbd-summaries ( T/TI/TIMB/dbd-summaries-19990519.tar.gz, TIMB, 1999; MetaCPAN )
dbd-summaries/dbd-pg.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 ~~    Same as SQL "LIKE" operator                'scrappy,marc' ~~ '%scrappy%'
 !~~   Same as SQL "NOT LIKE" operator            'bruce' !~~ '%al%'
 ~     Match (regex), 
Getopt-Tabular ( G/GW/GWARD/Getopt-Tabular-0.3.tar.gz, GWARD, 1999; MetaCPAN )
Getopt-Tabular/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
<<<<<<<<<<<<  ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   # $option,        $help
   # ~~                   ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   #                 $help
   #                 $help
   # ~~                   ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   #                 $help
 . ("<" x $maxoption) . " ^" . ("<" x ($textlength-1)) . "\n".
      "\$option, \$help\n" .
      "~~  " . (" " x $maxoption) . " ^" . ("<" x ($textlength-1)) . "\n" .
Log-ErrLogger ( W/WO/WORENKD/Log-ErrLogger-1.5.tar.gz, WORENKD, 1999; MetaCPAN )
Log-ErrLogger/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

=item $logger->set_file_handle( HANDLE );

Associates the error logger object with the given (opened) IO::Handle, and
closes the old file handle that used to be associated with the object (i
Gateway ( R/RR/RRA/Gateway-0.42.tar.gz, RRA, 1998; MetaCPAN )
Gateway/pod/master.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ticle C<read()> method.

=item apply (MODULES)

This method hands the message off to each module given (if no modules are
given, the message is given to each module registered by C<modules()> in
the o
sc_rate ( J/JO/JONG/sc_rate_1.2.tar.gz, JONG, 1997; MetaCPAN )
sc_rate/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
n_and_get_sc_rate_pairs(\%input, \$window_size)};
# Function  : scans input sequences(arg1) in a given(arg2) window size and gets
#             each composition and sequence identity rate(sc_rate) of 
s$k"}[$i]}=~ s/\,//g;  }
  #     Following is to make ends of sequences ne
  } print "\n";

  #     Following is the core code for making block printing
self_self_search ( J/JO/JONG/self_self_search.1.3.tar.gz, JONG, 1997; MetaCPAN )
self_self_search/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )

# All the defaults

	   close FILE_1;

   # (3) When ranges information is given(via \@range), seq in those ranges a
   # (5) when hash which has range info is given(@range should not be defined)
GraphMaker ( F/FP/FPIVARI/GraphMaker-2.1.tar.gz, FPIVARI, 1997; MetaCPAN )
GraphMaker/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ce, it is useful
# to combine both the form and the script in one place.  If no parameters
# are given (i.e., ReadParse returns FALSE), then a form could be output.

# If a reference to a hash is give
SquareMaker ( F/FP/FPIVARI/SquareMaker-4.2.tar.gz, FPIVARI, 1997; MetaCPAN )
SquareMaker/ ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ce, it is useful
# to combine both the form and the script in one place.  If no parameters
# are given (i.e., ReadParse returns FALSE), then a form could be output.

# If a reference to a hash is give
pod2texi ( K/KR/KRISHPL/pod2texi-0.1.tar.gz, KRISHPL, 1996; MetaCPAN )
pod2texi/perlform.pod ( view source; MetaCPAN )
^' . '<' x $cols . "\n";
             . '$entry' . "\n";
             . "\t^" . "<" x ($cols-8) . "~~\n";
             . '$entry' . "\n";
             . ".\n";
    print $format if $Debugging;

Here's a little program that's somewhat like fmt(1):

 format = 
 ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~


 $/ = '';
 while (<>) {

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.