
Matches 25

Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/505_dual.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
r $td;

is(system("$cwd/scripts/swit_init"), 0);
isnt(-f "conf/swit.yaml", undef);
isnt(-f "conf/seal.key", undef) or ASTU_Wait;
system("chmod a+rxw $td");
my $tree = YAML::LoadFile('conf/swit.yaml');
isnt($tree, undef);
$tree->{startup_classes} = [ 'TTT::SC' ];

$tree->{pages}->{"aga.html"} = { class 
f $elog ? read_file($elog) : "");
unlike($res, qr/010_db/);
isnt(-f "A", undef) or ASTU_Wait($res . (-f $elog ? read_file($elog) : ""));
isnt(-f "D", undef);

my $alog = read_file('t/logs/access_log')
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/560_ht_seal.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

		is(HTML::Tested::Seal->instance->decrypt($oldf), 12);
	} else {
		write_file('curf', $curf);
		isnt(-f 'curf', undef);

package M;
use base 'WWW::Mechanize';

sub get {
is($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);
isnt(-f 't/logs/nytprof', undef) or ASTU_Wait(read_file('t/conf/httpd.conf'));

my @outs = glob('t/logs/nytprof*');
isnt(@outs, 0);

my $dres = `nytprofhtml -f 
 = `$pros`;
is($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);
isnt(-f 't/logs/nytprof', undef) or ASTU_Wait(read_file('t/conf/httpd.conf'));

@outs = glob('t/logs/nytprof*');
isnt(@outs, 0);

$dres = `nytprofhtml -f $out
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/525_sub_install.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ok(-f 'LICENSE');

isnt(-f './t/001_load.t', undef);
isnt(-f './conf/', undef);

my $res = `scripts/ add_ht_page BB`;
$tree->{pages}->{"index"}->{entry_points}->{r}->{foo} = 'boo';
isnt(delete $tree->{pages}->{bb}->{entry_points}, undef);
$tree->{pages}->{bb}->{handler} = 'some_hand
$res = join('', `perl Makefile.PL && make 2>&1`);
is($?, 0) or diag($res);
unlike($res, qr/950/);
isnt(-f 'blib/lib/TTT/', undef);
sleep 1;

append_file("templates/", "<!
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/510_install.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ok(-f 'lib/TTT/');

my $res = `./scripts/ add_class AnotherClass 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0);
like($res, qr/refusing/);

`./scripts/ add_ht_page TTT::SomePage`;
ok(-f 'lib/
('templates/', "bobo");
$res = `./scripts/ add_ht_page TTT::SomePage 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0);
like(read_file('templates/'), qr/bobo/);
like(read_file('conf/swit.yaml'), qr/

my $lines = `perl Makefile.PL && make install SITEPREFIX=$td/inst 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($lines);
like($lines, qr/APACHE_SWIT_DB_NAME/);
ok(-f "t/conf/schema.sql");

Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/530_subsystem.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
is(-f './lib/TTT/DB/', undef);
is(-f './t/T/TTT/DB/', undef);
isnt(-f './t/001_load.t', undef);
is(-f 'lib/TTT/DB/', undef);
is(read_file('lib/'), $ttt
is(-d "$td/inst/share/ttt", undef) or do {
#	diag($res);
#	diag("$td");

isnt(-d "$td/inst/share/perl", undef) or do {
##	diag($res);
#	diag("$td");


eval "use lib 'lib'";
is(-f 'lib/MU/', undef);
use_ok('HTML::Tested', qw(HT HTV));

isnt(-f "t/dual/thesub/001_load.t", undef) or ASTU_Wait($td);
my $s001 = read_file("t/dual/thesub/001_
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/515_backup.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
wmv = "./scripts/ mv"; 
$res = `$swmv lib/TTT/UI/TheTable lib/TTT/UI/TheTable/T 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or diag($res);
like($res, qr/Rolled back/);
is(dist_md5(), $md5) or diag($res);
 '../TTT' ]);

$res = `./scripts/ add_ht_page TheTable 2>&1`;
is($?, 0) or diag($res);
isnt(-f 'lib/TTT/UI/', undef) or ASTU_Wait($mt->root_dir);
ok(-f 'templates/');
/TTT/UI/ lib/TTT/UI/TheTable/ 2>&1`;
is($?, 0) or diag($res);
isnt(-f 'templates/thetable/', undef);
isnt(-f 'lib/TTT/UI/TheTable/', undef);

my $dpm = read_file('lib/TTT/UI/The
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/apache/100_worker.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
like($t->mech->content, qr/hello world/);
is(-f '/tmp/swit_worker.res', undef);

sleep 2;
isnt(-f '/tmp/swit_worker.res', undef);

my $rfstr = read_file('/tmp/swit_worker.res');
like($rfstr, q
> 'Apache::SWIT::Session' });

# in direct work is done synchroniously
$t->work_r(make_url => 1);
isnt(-f '/tmp/swit_worker.res', undef);
$rfstr = read_file('/tmp/swit_worker.res');
like($rfstr, qr/hi


# and check that it works for update
$t->work_u(make_url => 1);
isnt(-f '/tmp/swit_worker.res', undef);
$rfstr = read_file('/tmp/swit_worker.res');
like($rfstr, qr/wo
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/550_scaffold.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
old one_col_table 2>&1`;
is(@res, 0) or diag(join('', @res));
ok(-f 'lib/TTT/DB/');
isnt(-f 't/dual/021_one_col_table.t', undef) or do {
	# readline(\*STDIN);

write_file('t/dual/002_the_table_error.t', $tstr);
$res = `make test_direct 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);
like($res, qr/011_the_table.+ok/) or ASTU_Wait;

->ht_thetable_form_u(ht => { col1 => '99', col2 => '99' });

$res = `make test_apache 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);

my $elog = read_file('t/logs/error_log');
like($res, qr/011_the_table
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/apache/090_redirect.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

is($t->redirect_request, undef);

$t->ht_ht_error_u(ht => { name => "bad", password => "hru" });
isnt($t->redirect_request, undef);
is($t->redirect_request->param("error"), "validie");
ru" });
isnt($t->redirect_request, undef);

$t->ok_follow_link(text => 'doesnt matter');
is($t->redirect_request, undef);

$t->ht_ht_error_u(ht => { name => "FORBID", password => "hru" });
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/520_db.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
k('T::Test'); }

my $t = T::Test->new;

my $a = TTT::DB::C->create({ a => 'ccc' });
isnt($a, undef);
ok(TTT::DB::C->search(a => 'ccc'));
conv_silent_system("psql -d $ENV{APACHE_SWIT_DB_N
C->create({ a => 'ccc' });
isnt($b, undef);
is($a->id, $b->id);

ok(!TTT::DB::C->search(a => 'ccc'));
$b = TTT::DB::C->create({ a => 'ccc' });
isnt($b, undef);
is($a->id, $b-
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/565_migration.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
s = `./scripts/ hdhdhd 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);

$res = `./scripts/ freeze_schema 2>&1`;
is($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);
isnt(-f 'conf/frozen.sql', undef);
$res = `make test 2>&1`;
is($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);

append_file("t/mig/db.sql", "boom\n");
$res = `make test_mig 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);
like($res, qr/Unable to do/);

chdir '/';
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/910_self_install.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
akefile.PL 2>&1 && make install SITEPREFIX=$td/inst 2>&1`;
is($?, 0) or diag($res);
isnt(-d "$td/inst/share/perl", undef) or diag($res);
isnt(-f "$td/inst/bin/swit_init", undef) or ASTU_Wait("$td");

Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/045_conversions.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ge main;
my $rc1 = Foo->ht_make_root_class;
isnt($rc1->can('ht_add_widget'), undef);

my $rc2 = Foo->ht_make_root_class('Apache::SWIT::Test::Request');
isnt($rc2->can('ht_add_widget'), undef);

eval {
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/580_sub_override.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
$res = `perl Makefile.PL 2>&1`;
$res = $mt->run_make_install;
is(-d "$td/inst/share/ttt", undef);
isnt(-d "$td/inst/share/perl", undef);

chdir $td;

is(-f 'lib/MU/', undef);

$res = `./scripts/ override P89 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0);
like($res, qr/Unable/);
like($res, qr/P89/);

$res = `./scripts/ override P1`;
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/545_session.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
t_direct 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU_Wait($res);
like($res, qr/VAR1.*first/ms);
like($res, qr/Failed at.*001_load.t line 47.*001_load.t line 47/ms);

$res = `make test_apache 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or ASTU
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/555_move.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
.pl 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0) or diag($res);
like($res, qr/\bmv\b/);
like($res, qr/\bscaffold\b.*generates/);
like($res, qr/\brun_server\b/);

my $hlp_res = `./scripts/ help 2>&1`;
isnt($?, 0);
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/100_session.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
_infdef, 'defme_foooooo');


isnt($s->session_value, undef);
unlike($s->session_value, qr/[^\w]/);
eval { thaw($s->session_value); };
isnt($@, '');

my $s2 = MySession->new(session_va
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/apache/020_ht_page.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 this way.
$t->ht_another_page_u(param => { file => "$td/fff" }
	, ht => { up => "$td/up.txt" });
isnt(-f "$td/fff", undef);

$t = T::Test->new({ session_class => 'Apache::S
ga' });

@x = $t->ht_another_page_r(base_url => '/test/ht_page/r'
		, ht => { hello => 'life' });
isnt($x[0], undef);

is(read_file("$td/up.txt"), "Hello\nworld\n");
is(unlink("$td/uuu"), 0);

# give 
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/400_skeleton.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
		, cdbi_bind => [ col_a => 'Primary' ]
		, column_title => 'ColA'
		, 0 => { isnt_sealed => 1 });
			, 'col_b', cdbi_bind => ''
			, co
Apache-SWIT ( B/BO/BOSU/Apache-SWIT-0.54.tar.gz, BOSU, 2011; MetaCPAN )
Apache-SWIT/t/apache/080_upload.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
->ht_upload_u(ht => { the_upload => '/etc/passwd' });
my ($enc_loid) = ($res[0] =~ /loid=(\w+)/);
isnt($enc_loid, undef) or exit 1;

my $loid = HTML::Tested::Seal->instance->decrypt($enc_loid);

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.