
Matches 6

App-MechaCPAN ( A/AT/ATRODO/App-MechaCPAN-0.30.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
App-MechaCPAN/t/07_tmpdata.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
local *App::MechaCPAN::info = sub { $log_line = shift };
  isnt( $log_line, undef, 'Logging tells you where it will log to' );
  like( $log_line, $log_pattern, '
le was humane' );
  isnt( $slurp, '', 'Slurpped data to string' );

  my $slurp2 = "$slurp";
  undef $where;
  is( -e $where2, undef, q{Undef'ing $where removes the file} );
  isnt( $slurp, '', 'Slupp';
  App::MechaCPAN::fetch_file( $url => \$slurp );

  isnt( $slurp, '', 'Slurpped data to string' );
  is_deeply( [ glob("$tmpdir/local/tmp/*") ], [], 'No e
App-MechaCPAN ( A/AT/ATRODO/App-MechaCPAN-0.30.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
App-MechaCPAN/t/06_restart.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    print $fake0 "#!/usr/bin/env perl\nexit 0\n";
    close $fake0;

  isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'restart_script with enough structure does something' );

  local $0
st relative and absolute paths for $0

    local $INC{$pm} = $fake0_bin;
    isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Fully-contained; we can reasonably restart' );
    is( $last_ran_pa
, 'Unfindable; we do not restart' );
    isnt( $last_ran_self_install, 1, 'Unfindable; does not attempt to install itself' );

    isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Installed
App-MechaCPAN ( A/AT/ATRODO/App-MechaCPAN-0.30.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
App-MechaCPAN/t/27_opts.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
hdir $tmpdir;

local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {note shift};

my $dir = cwd;

# --skip-tests(-for)
  isnt( App::MechaCPAN::main( 'install', $dist ), 0, "Fail as expected: $dist" );
  is( cwd, $dir, 'Retu
  isnt( App::MechaCPAN::main( 'install', $depdist ), 0, "Fail as expected: $depdist" );

  isnt( App::MechaCPAN::main( '--smart-tests', 'install', $
App-MechaCPAN ( A/AT/ATRODO/App-MechaCPAN-0.30.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
App-MechaCPAN/t/gh3.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
} = undef;
isnt( App::MechaCPAN::main( 'install', $dist ), 0, "Honored PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=: $dist" );
is( cwd, $dir, 'Returned to whence it started' );

isnt( App::Mech
App-MechaCPAN ( A/AT/ATRODO/App-MechaCPAN-0.30.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
App-MechaCPAN/t/14_perl_opts.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 App::MechaCPAN::main( perl => $fakeperl, '--threads' ), 0, 'Can install "perl" from a tar.gz' );
isnt( $config_items{other}, undef, 'threads does something' );
is( $config_items{empty}, undef, 'Did n
s( App::MechaCPAN::main( perl => $fakeperl, '--devel' ), 0, 'Can install "perl" from a tar.gz' );
isnt( $config_items{other}, undef, 'devel does something' );
is( $config_items{empty}, undef, 'Did not
App-MechaCPAN ( A/AT/ATRODO/App-MechaCPAN-0.30.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2023; MetaCPAN )
App-MechaCPAN/t/04_opts.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 'Passing in --directory does not fail' );
  is( cwd, $pwd, 'Returned to whence it started' );

  isnt( eval { App::MechaCPAN::main( '--diag-run', "--directory=$cwd/x", 'install' ); 1; }, 1,

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