
Matches 2

CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Context ( M/MG/MGRAHAM/CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Context-0.18.tar.gz, MGRAHAM, 2005; MetaCPAN )
CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Context/t/01-vivify-conf.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
nfigs are same object");
        is("$conf2", "$conf4", "Named configs are same object");
        isnt("$conf1", "$conf2", "Named and and Unnamed configs are different objects");



my $webapp
CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Context ( M/MG/MGRAHAM/CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Context-0.18.tar.gz, MGRAHAM, 2005; MetaCPAN )
CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Context/t/13-export_renaming.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
nfigs are same object");
        is("$conf2", "$conf4", "Named configs are same object");
        isnt("$conf1", "$conf2", "Named and and Unnamed configs are different objects");



my $webapp

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