
Matches 3

Class-Lego-Constructor ( F/FE/FERREIRA/Class-Lego-Constructor-0.004.tar.gz, FERREIRA, 2008; MetaCPAN )
Class-Lego-Constructor/t/03accessors.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
r, 4, 'counter gets the (computed) default' );
  is( $bar->counter, 5, 'counter gets the (computed) default' );
  isnt( $foo->counter, $bar->counter, 'different objects, different counter value' );
Class-Lego-Constructor ( F/FE/FERREIRA/Class-Lego-Constructor-0.004.tar.gz, FERREIRA, 2008; MetaCPAN )
Class-Lego-Constructor/t/02basic.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
'counter gets the (computed) default' );
  is( $bar->{counter}, 5, 'counter gets the (computed) default' );
  isnt( $foo->{counter}, $bar->{counter}, 'different objects, different counter value' );
Class-Lego-Constructor ( F/FE/FERREIRA/Class-Lego-Constructor-0.004.tar.gz, FERREIRA, 2008; MetaCPAN )
Class-Lego-Constructor/t/12more.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
s the (computed) default' );
  is( $bar->{counter}, 5, 'counter gets the (computed) default' );
  isnt( $foo->{counter}, $bar->{counter}, 'different objects, different counter value' );

package Boo

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