
Matches 4

DBIx-Class-TimeStamp ( R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14.tar.gz, RIBASUSHI, 2010; MetaCPAN )
DBIx-Class-TimeStamp/t/08noclobber.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ok $row->t_updated, 'updated timestamp';
is   $row->t_created, $last_week, 'create timestamp';
isnt $row->t_updated, $row->t_created, 'update and create timestamp';

to(time + 60);

me => 'updating test record' });

is $row->display_name, 'updating test record', 'update record';
isnt $row->t_updated, $time, 'timestamp update';
$time = $row->t_updated;

to(time + 60);

_updated => $last_week

is $row->display_name, 'updating test record again', 'update record';
isnt $row->t_updated, $time, 'timestamp update';
is $row->t_updated, $row->t_created, 'timestamp updat
DBIx-Class-TimeStamp ( R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14.tar.gz, RIBASUSHI, 2010; MetaCPAN )
DBIx-Class-TimeStamp/t/06timestamp.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
->t_created->strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M'), 'update and create timestamp';

to(time + 60);

$row->display_name('test record again');

isnt $row->t_updated,  $time, 'update timestamp';

DBIx-Class-TimeStamp ( R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14.tar.gz, RIBASUSHI, 2010; MetaCPAN )
DBIx-Class-TimeStamp/t/05datetime.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

to(time + 60);

$row->update({ display_name => 'updating test record' });

is $row->display_name, 'updating test record', 'update record';
isnt $row->t_updated, $time, 'timestamp update';

DBIx-Class-TimeStamp ( R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14.tar.gz, RIBASUSHI, 2010; MetaCPAN )
DBIx-Class-TimeStamp/t/07date.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
w->t_created->strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M'), 'update and create timestamp';

to(time + 60);

$row->display_name('test record again');

isnt $row->t_updated, $time, 'update timestamp';

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