
Matches 10

DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/030-low-level/030-ae-no-reconnect.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
      is $code, 'OK', "auth was sent";
        is $c->connector->state, 'ready', 'state';
        isnt $sync, 1, 'next_sync';
        ok exists $c->connector->_active_sync->{$sync}, 'active sync';

  is $code, 'OK', "lua call was sent";
        is $c->connector->state, 'ready', 'state';
        isnt $sync, 1, 'next_sync';
        ok exists $c->connector->_active_sync->{$sync}, 'active sync';

DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/030-low-level/015-sync-errors.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
        is $code, 'OK', "$_ was send";
        is $c->connector->state, 'ready', 'state';
        isnt $sync, 1, 'next_sync';
        ok exists $c->connector->_active_sync->{$sync}, 'active sync';

, 'state';

    sub {
        my ($code, $message, @args) = @_;
        isnt $code => 'OK', 'Can not connect to shutdown tarantool';

DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/040-full/040-sync-sch-collision.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
     isnt $c->last_schema, $schema_id, 'schema_id was changed';


    $c->request(ping => sub {
        diag explain \@_ unless
            is $_[0] => 'OK', 'ping';
        isnt $c-
DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/030-low-level/010-sync.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
        is $code, 'OK', "$_ was send";
        is $c->connector->state, 'ready', 'state';
        isnt $sync, 1, 'next_sync';
        ok exists $c->connector->_active_sync->{$sync}, 'active sync';

DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/025-tnt-specific/020-ll-sync-schema-collision.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
   is $resp->{SYNC}, $sync, 'sync';
                diag explain $resp unless
                    isnt $resp->{CODE}, $await_code, 'not waited code';
                is $resp->{CODE}, 0x806D, 'Code of
DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/030-low-level/020-ae.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
is $code, 'OK', "$_ was send";
            is $c->connector->state, 'ready', 'state';
            isnt $sync, 1, 'next_sync';
            ok exists $c->connector->_active_sync->{$sync}, 'active sync';
DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/025-tnt-specific/010-ll-async-schema-collision.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
esp->{SYNC}, $sync, 'sync';
                    diag explain $resp unless
                        isnt $resp->{CODE}, $await_code, 'not waited code';
                    is $resp->{CODE}, 0x806D, 'Cod
DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/100-connector/010-coro/010-base.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    is_deeply $tuples => [{ name => 'test', value => undef, tail => [] }], 'tuples';
    isnt eval { $c->call_lua(['rettest' => 'test123']); 1 }, 1, 'unknown space';
    is $c->last_error->[0
DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/040-full/045-sync-sch-noauth.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
         is $c->state, 'ready', 'state';

    $c->request(ping => sub {
        is $_[0] => 'OK', 'ping';

        isnt scalar(keys %{ $c->_sch }), 0, 'sch is not empty';


DR-Tnt ( U/UN/UNERA/DR-Tnt-0.24.tar.gz, UNERA, 2018; MetaCPAN )
DR-Tnt/t/100-connector/020-sync/010-base.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    is_deeply $tuples => [{ name => 'test', value => undef, tail => [] }], 'tuples';
    isnt eval { $c->call_lua(['rettest' => 'test123']); 1 }, 1, 'unknown space';
    is $c->last_error->[0

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