
Matches 4

Dancer ( Y/YA/YANICK/Dancer-1.3521.tar.gz, YANICK, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Dancer/t/23_dancer_tests/02_tests_functions.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
response_status_isnt [ GET => '/marco' ], 404, 'response_exists';

sub test_helping_functions {
    my $req = shift;

    response_status_is $req => 200;
    response_status_isnt $req => 613;

response_content_is $req => 'polo';
    response_content_isnt $req => 'stuff';
    response_content_is_deeply $req => 'polo';
    response_content_like $req => qr/.ol/;
    response_content_unlike $re
Dancer ( Y/YA/YANICK/Dancer-1.3521.tar.gz, YANICK, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Dancer/t/08_session/12_session_name.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
> "something.else";
    is setting("session_name"), "something.else", "session_name changed";
    isnt session("foo"), "bar",                   "other session's values not seen";

    session up => "d
    is setting("session_name"), $orig_name,       "set back to the original name";
    isnt session("up"), "down",                   "other session's values not seen";
    is session("foo")
Dancer ( Y/YA/YANICK/Dancer-1.3521.tar.gz, YANICK, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Dancer/t/00_base/06_dancer_object.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ing name';
is $p->age, 10, 'getting age';
is $p->sex, 'male', 'getting sex';

my $p2 = $p->clone;
isnt $p, $p2, "clone is not the same object";
is $p->age, $p2->age, "clone values are OK";

my $attrs 
Dancer ( Y/YA/YANICK/Dancer-1.3521.tar.gz, YANICK, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Dancer/t/23_dancer_tests/01_basic.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
_is $false_req => 404;

response_content_is   $req => "Hello, this is the home";
response_content_isnt $req => "foo bar";

response_content_is_deeply [GET => '/hash'] => { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3};


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