
Matches 2

Data-DPath ( S/SC/SCHWIGON/Data-DPath-0.59.tar.gz, SCHWIGON, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Data-DPath/t/references.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

# --------------------------------------------------

$res = [ dpath('/goal')->match($data) ];
isnt("".\($data->{goal}), "".\($res->[0]), "ROOT/KEY - references are to copies");
# diag "orig:    " 

# --------------------------------------------------

$res = [ dpath('//goal')->match($data) ];
isnt("".\($data->{goal}), "".\($res->[0]), "ANYWHERE/KEY - references are to copies");
# diag "orig:  

# --------------------------------------------------

$res = [ dpath('/*')->match($data) ];
isnt("".\($data->{goal}), "".\($res->[0]), "ROOT/ANYSTEP - references are to copies");
# diag "orig:  
Data-DPath ( S/SC/SCHWIGON/Data-DPath-0.59.tar.gz, SCHWIGON, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Data-DPath/t/iterator.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ial root deref");

my $benchmarks = $root->isearch("//Benchmark");
my $i = 0;
while ($benchmarks->isnt_exhausted)
        my @keys;
        my $benchmark = $benchmarks->value;

ncestors = $copy->isearch ("/::ancestor");

            my $j = 0;
            while ($ancestors->isnt_exhausted) {
                my $ancestor = $ancestors->value;
ter = $copy->isearch( $path );

                    my $j = 0;
                    while ( $iter->isnt_exhausted ) {
                        my $idx_got = $iter->value->first_point->attrs->idx;

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