
Matches 2

Dios ( D/DC/DCONWAY/Dios-0.002012.tar.gz, DCONWAY, 2022; MetaCPAN )
Dios/t/literal_parameters.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
d|sub/ }, Any) {
        isnt $cmd, 'add',   'cmd not add correct';
        isnt $cmd, 'sub',   'cmd not sub correct';

    multi cmd('diff', $cmd, $other) {
        isnt $cmd,   'add',   'cmd n
        isnt $cmd,   'sub',   'cmd not sub correct';
        isnt $other, 'add',   'other not add correct';
        isnt $other, 'sub',   'other not sub correct';
        isnt $cmd,   $other,
Dios ( D/DC/DCONWAY/Dios-0.002012.tar.gz, DCONWAY, 2022; MetaCPAN )
Dios/t/caller.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
], [@expected2[0..7]]);

    # hints and bitmask change and are twitchy so I'm just going to
    # check that they're there.
    isnt $have[8],  undef;
    isnt $have2[8], undef;


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