
Matches 5

File-Copy-NoClobber ( T/TO/TORBJORN/File-Copy-NoClobber-0.2.3.tar.gz, TORBJORN, 2016; MetaCPAN )
File-Copy-NoClobber/t/01-internals.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
y $fp = File::Copy::NoClobber::filename_with_sprintf_pattern($fn);

isnt $fn, $fp, "filename with counter pattern is different";
isnt $fp, sprintf( $fp, 1 ),
    "updating counter changes the filename
o bar %%% baz";
my $fp2 = sprintf File::Copy::NoClobber::filename_with_sprintf_pattern($fn2), 1;

isnt $fn2, $fp2, "no suffix filename with %'s seems ok";
like $fp2, qr/$fn2/,
    "% in filename does 
File-Copy-NoClobber ( T/TO/TORBJORN/File-Copy-NoClobber-0.2.3.tar.gz, TORBJORN, 2016; MetaCPAN )
File-Copy-NoClobber/t/80-rt-114658-dont-check-error-string-value.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 =~ /File exists/i;

        my $new1 = copy( $fn, $d );
        my $new2 = copy( $fn, $d );

        isnt basename( $new1 ), basename( $new2 ),
            "works under $l";



File-Copy-NoClobber ( T/TO/TORBJORN/File-Copy-NoClobber-0.2.3.tar.gz, TORBJORN, 2016; MetaCPAN )
File-Copy-NoClobber/t/12-file-without-suffix.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 copy $fn1, $d2;

is basename($df1), basename($fn1),
    "first copy preserves source filename";

isnt basename($df2), basename($fn1),
    "second copy has changed it";

like $df2, qr/\Q (01)\E$/,
File-Copy-NoClobber ( T/TO/TORBJORN/File-Copy-NoClobber-0.2.3.tar.gz, TORBJORN, 2016; MetaCPAN )
File-Copy-NoClobber/t/11b-copy-to-file-with-rename.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    "dest file got the 01 pattern of given filename";

ok -s $final_dest_file, "new dest file has content";

isnt -s $dest1, -s $final_dest_file,
    "file sizes are as expected";

File-Copy-NoClobber ( T/TO/TORBJORN/File-Copy-NoClobber-0.2.3.tar.gz, TORBJORN, 2016; MetaCPAN )
File-Copy-NoClobber/t/15-move-with-rename.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
e $fn1 );
copy( $fn1, $d2 );

# then move it
print $fh1 "some more content\n";
my $s2 = -s $fn1;

isnt $s1, $s2, "two versions of file have different size";

close $fh1;
my $new_dest = move( $fn1, $d2

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