
Matches 6

File-KDBX ( C/CC/CCM/File-KDBX-0.906.tar.gz, CCM, 2022; MetaCPAN )
File-KDBX/t/database.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 data' or dumper $copy;

    isnt $kdbx, $copy, 'Clone is a different object';
    isnt $kdbx->root, $copy->root,
        'Clone root group is a different object';
    isnt $kdbx->root->groups->[0], $
        'Clone group is a different object';
    isnt $kdbx->root->groups->[0]->entries->[0], $copy->root->groups->[0]->entries->[0],
        'Clone entry is a different objec
File-KDBX ( C/CC/CCM/File-KDBX-0.906.tar.gz, CCM, 2022; MetaCPAN )
File-KDBX/t/object.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
tory}, 0, 'Copy excluding history has no history';

    $copy = $entry->clone(new_uuid => 1);
    isnt $copy->uuid, $entry->uuid, 'Entry copy with new UUID has a different UUID';

    $copy = $entry->
opy added to database if clone with parent option';
    my ($e1, $e2) = $kdbx->entries->each;
    isnt $e1, $e2, 'Entry and its copy in the database are different objects';
    is $e1->title, $e2->tit
entries->size, 6, 'Copy a group within parent doubles the number of entries in the database';
    isnt $group->entries->[0]->uuid, $copy->entries->[0]->uuid,
        'First entry in group and its copy
File-KDBX ( C/CC/CCM/File-KDBX-0.906.tar.gz, CCM, 2022; MetaCPAN )
File-KDBX/t/kdb.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
>root->groups}, 2, 'Root group has two children';

    my $group1 = $kdbx->root->groups->[0];
    isnt $group1->uuid, undef, 'Group 1 has a UUID';
    is $group1->name, 'Internet', 'Group 1 has a name
on_id, 1, 'Group 1 has an icon';

    my ($entry11, $entry12, @other) = @{$group1->entries};

    isnt $entry11->uuid, undef, 'Entry has a UUID';
    is $entry11->title, 'Test entry', 'Entry has a tit
File-KDBX ( C/CC/CCM/File-KDBX-0.906.tar.gz, CCM, 2022; MetaCPAN )
File-KDBX/t/util.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ew_uuid = generate_uuid(\%uuid_set);
    isnt $new_uuid, $uuid, 'Generated UUID is not in set';

    $new_uuid = generate_uuid(sub { !$uuid_set{$_} });
    isnt $new_uuid, $uuid, 'Generated UUID passe
File-KDBX ( C/CC/CCM/File-KDBX-0.906.tar.gz, CCM, 2022; MetaCPAN )
File-KDBX/t/kdbx4.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 is $kdbx2->version, $expected_version, sprintf('Got expected version: %x', $kdbx2->version);
    isnt $kdbx2->kdf->uuid, KDF_UUID_AES, 'No unexpected KDF' if $kdbx2->version >= KDBX_VERSION_4_0;

File-KDBX ( C/CC/CCM/File-KDBX-0.906.tar.gz, CCM, 2022; MetaCPAN )
File-KDBX/t/entry.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
Password', 'Default icon got changed to first icon';
    my $uuid = $entry->custom_icon_uuid;
    isnt $uuid, undef, 'UUID is now set';

    my $found = $entry->kdbx->custom_icon_data($uuid);
    is $

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