
Matches 1

Finance-Libdogecoin ( C/CH/CHROMATIC/Finance-Libdogecoin-1.20220815.1712.tar.gz, CHROMATIC, 2022; MetaCPAN )
Finance-Libdogecoin/t/base.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
_key) = Finance::Libdogecoin::FFI::generate_key_pair();
    isnt $priv_key, undef, 'generate_key_pair() should return private key';
    isnt $pub_key, undef, '... and public key';

    ok Finance::Lib
ance::Libdogecoin::FFI::generate_key_pair( 0 );
    isnt $mainnet_priv_key, undef, 'generate_key_pair() should return mainnet private key';
    isnt $mainnet_pub_key, undef, '... and mainnet public ke
ance::Libdogecoin::FFI::generate_key_pair( 1 );
    isnt $testnet_priv_key, undef, 'generate_key_pair() should return testnet private key';
    isnt $testnet_pub_key, undef, '... and testnet public ke

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