
Matches 3

Form-Sensible ( J/JA/JAYK/Form-Sensible-0.20023.tar.gz, JAYK, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Form-Sensible/t/test_value_delegate.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
lues({ username => '*&#*&@)(*&)', password => 'test' });

$validation_result = $form->validate();
isnt($validation_result->is_valid, 1, "Validation fails when appropriate");

## reset and clear any ex
lues({ username => '*&#*&@)(*&)', password => 'test' });

$validation_result = $form->validate();
isnt($validation_result->is_valid, 1, "External value storage: Validation fails when appropriate");

Form-Sensible ( J/JA/JAYK/Form-Sensible-0.20023.tar.gz, JAYK, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Form-Sensible/t/simple_form.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
('password')->value }, "set_values() behaves properly");

$validation_result = $form->validate();
isnt($validation_result->is_valid, 1, "Validation fails");

# try to create a form the wrong way.
Form-Sensible ( J/JA/JAYK/Form-Sensible-0.20023.tar.gz, JAYK, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Form-Sensible/t/test_output_wrappers.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
->value, password => $form->field('password')->value });

$validation_result = $form->validate();
isnt($validation_result->is_valid, 1, "Validation fails");

## here we should render the form, and mak

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