
Matches 19

Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/400_recipes/001_embedded.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
	isnt	$foo1->_dirty,				true,			'foo1 is clean';

	$foo2	= $foo1->foo;

	is		$foo2->id,					'FOO_2',		'got the right id foo2';
	is		$foo2->num,					2,				'got the right num foo2';
	isnt	$foo2->
>id,					'FOO_3',		'got the right id foo3';
	is		$foo3->num,					3,				'got the right num foo3';
	isnt	$foo3->_dirty,				true,			'foo3 is clean';

	lives_ok		{ $foo3_A	= Foo->new ( asylum => $ASYL, id
t id  foo3_A';
	is		$foo3_A->num,				3,				'got the right num foo3_A';
	isnt	$foo3_A->_dirty,			true,			'foo3_A is clean';

	isnt	$foo3_A,						$foo3,		'instances foo3_A != foo3';		#	!!!
#	because:
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/300_lock/310_lock.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
p,	0.5,		'oem     is 0.1 sec';

isnt $ASYL->is_locked,		true,		'default is not locked';
isnt $ASYL_OEM->is_locked,	true,		'oem     is not locked';

is $ASYL->lock
default unlocked';
is $ASYL_OEM->unlock, 		true,		'oem     unlocked';

isnt $ASYL->is_locked,		true,		'default is unlocked';
isnt $ASYL_OEM->is_locked,	true,		'oem     is unlocked';

is $ASYL->unlock,
e,		'default closed';
is $ASYL_OEM->close, 		true,		'oem     closed';

isnt $ASYL->is_locked,		true,		'default is unlocked';
isnt $ASYL_OEM->is_locked,	true,		'oem     is unlocked';

is $ASYL->close,	
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/300_lock/310_lock_poor.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
' ) ),
				}	'Asylum with poor lock constructed';

isa ( $ASYL->_lock,		'Frost::Lock' );

isnt $ASYL->is_locked,		true,		'Asylum is not locked';

is $ASYL->lock, 				true,		'Asylum locked';
s $ASYL->lock, 				true,		'Asylum re-locking ok';

is $ASYL->unlock, 			true,		'Asylum unlocked';
isnt $ASYL->is_locked,		true,		'Asylum is unlocked';

is $ASYL->unlock, 			true,		'Asylum re-unlocking
is $ASYL->open, 				true,		'Asylum re-open ok';

is $ASYL->close,	 			true,		'Asylum closed';
isnt $ASYL->is_locked,		true,		'Asylum is unlocked';

is $ASYL->close,	 			true,		'Asylum re-closing o
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/010_twilight.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ht->_maxcount,		$default_maxcount, 	"got the right default twilight_maxcount $default_maxcount";

isnt		$twilight->exists ( 'Foo', 42 ),		true,		'spirit does not exist';
is			$twilight->get ( 'Foo', 4
om the twilight zone";

	cmp_deeply	[ $foo ],	[ $spirit ],	'removed the correct spirit of Foo';

	isnt		$twilight->exists ( 'Foo', $id ),		true,		'spirit does not exist anymore';
	is			$twilight->get 
o_id	= 'foo' . $val;
		my $bar_id	= 'bar' . $val;

		isnt			$twilight->exists ( 'Foo', $foo_id ),			true,			"spirit $foo_id of Foo has gone";
		isnt			$twilight->exists ( 'Bar', $bar_id ),			true,			"
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/030_cemetery.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

	lives_ok { $essence_num = $cemetery_num->exhume ( 1 ); }		'exhume 1 from cemetery_num';
	isnt	$essence_num,		42,			'got no essence from cemetery_num';

	lives_ok { $essence_num = $cemetery_nu

	lives_ok { $essence_str = $cemetery_str->exhume ( 1 ); }		'exhume 1 from cemetery_str';
	isnt	$essence_str,		'Essence',	'got no essence from cemetery_str';

	lives_ok { $essence_str = $cemete
	isnt	$essence_num,		42,				'got no essence from cemetery_num';

	lives_ok { $essence_str = $cemetery_str->exhume ( 1 ); }		'exhume 1 -> "Essence" from cemetery_str';
	isnt	$essence_str,
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/900_loop.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ylum )];

	isnt	$loop1n2,	$loop2,	'got different references 2 N 1';
	isnt	$loop1l2,	$loop2,	'got different references 2 L 1';
	isnt	$loop2n1,	$loop1,	'got different references 1 N 2';
	isnt	$loop2l1,	
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/070_asylum.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

lives_ok	{ $asylum	= Frost::Asylum->new ( data_root => $TMP_PATH ); }	'asylum created';

isnt		$asylum->is_locked,		true,	'asylum is NOT locked';

lives_ok	{ $asylum->lock; }		'asylum locked'
$asylum->is_locked,		true,	'asylum is locked';
lives_ok	{ $asylum->unlock; }		'asylum unlocked';

isnt		$asylum->is_locked,		true,	'asylum is NOT locked';

lives_ok	{ $asylum->open; }		'asylum opened'
,	'asylum is locked';
lives_ok	{ $asylum->close; }		'asylum closed';					#	save works as well...

isnt		$asylum->is_locked,		true,	'asylum is NOT locked';

lives_ok { $asylum->open }			'asylum opened'
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/000_moose_examples/002_example_Moose_POOP.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
k($article, 'Frost::Locum');

	is($article->oid, $article_oid, '... got a oid for the article');
	isnt($article_ref, "$article", '... got a new article instance');

		'Home Off
k($article, 'Frost::Locum');

	is($article->oid, $article_oid, '... got a oid for the article');
	isnt($article_ref, "$article", '... got a new article instance');

		'Home Off
article2, 'Frost::Locum');

	is($article2->oid, $article2_oid, '... got a oid for the article');
	isnt($article2_ref, "$article2", '... got a new article instance');

Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/060_necromancer.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
_file	{};
	check_ndx_file	{};

	isnt		$necromancer->exists ( 'Foo', $id ),					true,		'spirit id does not exist';

	check_db_file	{ id => 1 };
	check_ndx_file	{};

	isnt		$necromancer->exists ( 'Foo',
 $id, 'foo_num' ),		true,		'spirit foo_num does not exist';
	isnt		$necromancer->exists ( 'Foo', $id, 'foo_str' ),		true,		'spirit foo_str does not exist';

	check_db_file	{ map { $_ => 1} qw( id foo_
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/000_moose_examples/007_Child_Parent_attr_inherit.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				'... parent and child have the same last name ('
				. $parent->last_name
				. ')' );

	isnt( $orphan->last_name, $parent->last_name,
			'... the orphan child does not have the same last nam
				'... parent and child have the same last name ('
				. $parent->last_name
				. ')' );

	isnt( $orphan->last_name, $parent->last_name,
		'... the orphan child is not affected by changes in th
t name we stored' );

	is( @{ $parent2->children }, 0,		'... the parent has no own children' );

	isnt( $orphan->last_name, $parent->last_name,
		'... the orphan child was not affected by changes in t
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/000_moose_recipes/moose_cookbook_basics_recipe5.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
=> 'text/plain' } );

    my $header2 = $r->headers;
    isa_ok( $header2, 'HTTP::Headers' );
    isnt( $header, $header2, '... created a new HTTP::Header object' );

    is( $header2->content_type, '
 => 'text/html' ] );

    my $header3 = $r->headers;
    isa_ok( $header3, 'HTTP::Headers' );
    isnt( $header2, $header3, '... created a new HTTP::Header object' );

    is( $header3->content_type, 
pplication/pdf' ) );

    my $header4 = $r->headers;
    isa_ok( $header4, 'HTTP::Headers' );
    isnt( $header3, $header4, '... created a new HTTP::Header object' );

    is( $header4->content_type, 
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/050_mortician.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
k_db_file	{};
	check_ndx_file	{};

	isnt		$mortician->exists ( $id ),					true,		'spirit id does not exist';

	check_db_file	{ id => 1 };
	check_ndx_file	{};

	isnt		$mortician->exists ( $id, 'foo_num
' ),		true,		'spirit foo_num does not exist';
	isnt		$mortician->exists ( $id, 'foo_str' ),		true,		'spirit foo_str does not exist';

	check_db_file	{ map { $_ => 1} qw( id foo_num foo_str ) };
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/031_cemetery_iterate.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
'cemetery_foo exhume 102';
is		$cemetery_foo->exhume ( 1,			),			101,		'cemetery_foo exhume 101';
isnt	$cemetery_foo->exhume ( 42 		),			142,		'cemetery_foo exhume 142 fails';

is		$cemetery_bar->ento
'cemetery_bar exhume 202';
is		$cemetery_bar->exhume ( 1,			),			201,		'cemetery_bar exhume 201';
isnt	$cemetery_bar->exhume ( 42 		),			242,		'cemetery_bar exhume 242 fails';

is		$cemetery_foo->coun
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/400_recipes/020_auto_inc.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
lum constructed';

	foreach my $id ( @IDS )
		if ( ( $id == 1 ) or ( $id == $MAX_ID ) )
			isnt	$ASYL->exists ( 'Foo', $id ), true,	"spirit $id burns in hell";
			my $foo	= Foo->
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/000_moose_examples/006_example_Protomoose.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
f the
# prototype
my $foo = Foo->new;
isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');

# the instance is *not* the prototype
isnt($foo, $foo_prototype, '... got a new instance of Foo');

# but it has the same values ...
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/130_excommunicate.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 ),		$REST,			"$REST spirits buried";

	$REST	= 0;

	for ( 1..$MAX_ID )
		if ( $_ % 2 )
			isnt	$ASYL->exists ( 'Foo', $_ ), true,	"spirit $_ burns in hell";
			my $foo;

Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/200_basic/072_asylum_api.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 ),		$REST,			"$REST spirits buried";

	$REST	= 0;

	for ( 1..$MAX_ID )
		if ( $_ % 2 )
			isnt	$ASYL->exists ( 'Foo', $_ ), true,	"spirit $_ burns in hell";
			my $foo;

Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/000_moose_recipes/moose_cookbook_basics_recipe4.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				= Company->new(					#	from twilight...
					asylum	=> $ASYL,
					id			=> 'II',

		isnt( $old_company->_dirty, true,	'II Company is clean' );


		is( $old
Frost ( E/ER/ERNESTO/Frost-0.70.tar.gz, ERNESTO, 2010; MetaCPAN )
Frost/t/000_moose_recipes/moose_cookbook_basics_recipe1.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
se::Meta::Class' );

can_ok( 'Point3D', 'meta' );
isa_ok( Point3D->meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class' );

isnt( Point->meta, Point3D->meta,
	'... they are different metaclasses as well' );

# poke at Point


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