
Matches 6

Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack ( C/CO/COG/Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack-0.05.tar.gz, COG, 2016; MetaCPAN )
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack/t/10-running-cuts.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
op and bottom cards
my ($t, $b) = $deck->find( 1, -1 );
ok( $deck->running_cuts );
isnt( $deck->find(  1 ), $t );
isnt( $deck->find( -1 ), $b );

# running cuts accepts a parameter
ok( $deck->running_
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack ( C/CO/COG/Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack-0.05.tar.gz, COG, 2016; MetaCPAN )
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack/t/05-cut.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )


my @after_cutting = $deck->get_deck();

isnt( $before_cutting[0], $after_cutting[0] );
isnt( $before_cutting[-1], $after_cutting[-1] );

# cutting above a card moves
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack ( C/CO/COG/Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack-0.05.tar.gz, COG, 2016; MetaCPAN )
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack/t/07-overhand-shuffle.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
nd bottom cards
my ($t, $b) = $deck->find( 1, -1 );
ok( $deck->overhand_shuffle );
isnt( $deck->find(  1 ), $t );
isnt( $deck->find( -1 ), $b );

# overhand shuffle accepts a parameter
ok( $deck->over
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack ( C/CO/COG/Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack-0.05.tar.gz, COG, 2016; MetaCPAN )
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack/t/08-hindu-shuffle.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
nd bottom cards

my ($t, $b) = $deck->find( 1, -1 );

ok( $deck->hindu_shuffle );

isnt( $deck->find(  1 ), $t );
isnt( $deck->find( -1 ), $b );

# hindu shuffle accepts a parameter
ok( $deck->hindu_s
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack ( C/CO/COG/Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack-0.05.tar.gz, COG, 2016; MetaCPAN )
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack/t/01-basic.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
and new_deck_order don't share the order of hearts, spades and clubs
for ( 1 .. 26, 40 .. 52 ) {
	isnt( $deck->find( $_ ), $fournier->find( $_ ) );

# empty deck doesn't have cards
my $empty_deck = 
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack ( C/CO/COG/Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack-0.05.tar.gz, COG, 2016; MetaCPAN )
Games-Cards-ShuffleTrack/t/04-riffle-shuffle.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
cmp_ok( $deck->distance( $tenth_from_bottom, $bottom ), '>', 9);

# bottom card has changed
isnt( $before_shuffling[-1], $after_shuffling[-1] );

# deck has the same amount of cards as in the be

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