
Matches 6

IOC ( S/ST/STEVAN/IOC-0.29.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2007; MetaCPAN )
IOC/t/061_IOC_Config_XML_edge_tests.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
y $test_service1a = $c->get('test_service1a');
    isa_ok($test_service1a, 'My::Test1');
    isnt($test_service1a, $c->get('test_service1a'), '... and if I get it again, it is not the same one');
y $test_service2a = $c->get('test_service2a');
    isa_ok($test_service2a, 'My::Test2');
    isnt($test_service2a, $c->get('test_service2a'), '... and if I get it again, it is not the same one');
IOC ( S/ST/STEVAN/IOC-0.29.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2007; MetaCPAN )
IOC/t/034_IOC_Service_Prototype_ConstructorInjection_test.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
isa_ok($logger2, 'Logger');
isa_ok($logger2->{file}, 'File');

isnt($logger, $logger2, '... these are prototypes, not constructors');
isnt($logger->{file}, $logger2->{file}, '... these are prototypes,
IOC ( S/ST/STEVAN/IOC-0.29.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2007; MetaCPAN )
IOC/t/060_IOC_Config_XML_test.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
  my $test_service2 = $c->get('test_service2');
    isa_ok($test_service2, 'My::Test2');
    isnt($test_service2, $c->get('test_service2'), '... and if I get it again, it is not the same one');
IOC ( S/ST/STEVAN/IOC-0.29.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2007; MetaCPAN )
IOC/t/035_IOC_Service_Prototype_SetterInjection_test.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
instance, 'Logger');

my $instance2 = $service->instance();                                        
isa_ok($instance2, 'Logger');

isnt($instance, $instance2, '... these are not the same instances');
IOC ( S/ST/STEVAN/IOC-0.29.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2007; MetaCPAN )
IOC/t/050_IOC_Proxy_test.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 one and make sure
# it too can do all that the original 
# can do.

my $proxy2 = $proxy->new();

isnt($proxy, $proxy2, '... they are not the same instance');

isa_ok($proxy2, 'Base::Three::_::Proxy')
IOC ( S/ST/STEVAN/IOC-0.29.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2007; MetaCPAN )
IOC/t/033_IOC_Service_Prototype_test.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 my $logger2 = $service->instance('logger');
        isa_ok($logger2, 'Logger');
        isnt($logger, $logger2, '... each logger instance is the same');

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