
Matches 3

Kelp ( B/BR/BRTASTIC/Kelp-1.06.tar.gz, BRTASTIC, 2022; MetaCPAN )
Kelp/t/subclassed.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
p );

$t->request( GET '/test' )
    ->header_is("X-Test", "MyApp")
    ->header_isnt("X-Framework", "Perl Kelp");

Kelp ( B/BR/BRTASTIC/Kelp-1.06.tar.gz, BRTASTIC, 2022; MetaCPAN )
Kelp/t/new_anonymous.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
pp1, 'Kelp';
isa_ok $app2, 'Kelp';

isnt refaddr $app1->routes, refaddr $app2->routes, 'not the same app routes ok';

$app1->routes->add('/', sub { 'hello' });

    scalar @{$app1->routes->routes
Kelp ( B/BR/BRTASTIC/Kelp-1.06.tar.gz, BRTASTIC, 2022; MetaCPAN )
Kelp/t/test_request.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
dd_route( '/a' => sub { 1 } );
    $t->request_ok( GET '/a' );
    $t->request( GET '//a' )->code_isnt(200);

# Cookies
    my $cookie_val = 'kelper';

    # A route to set a cookie

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.