
Matches 2

LMDB_File ( S/SO/SORTIZ/LMDB_File-0.13.tar.gz, SORTIZ, 2024; MetaCPAN )
LMDB_File/t/03-fastmode.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 'Is a PVMG');
    is($inspec->LEN, 0, 'Not perl owned');
    is($fval, $val, 'Same value');
    #isnt_zerocopy($fval, $val, 'Diferent buffer');
    throws_ok {
	$fval = 'Hola';
    } qr/read-only/, '
fastmode magic vars';
	ok(!defined($val), 'Was invalidated');
	# Commented until fixed ZeroCopy
	#isnt_zerocopy($fval, $val, 'New Txn, so different buffer');
    my $count = $fval =~ tr/5/5/;
to cpantesters on Mac OS X and Debian's libc-2.3.6 the
    # same address for mmap is used!!
    #isnt_zerocopy($fval, $val, 'New Env, so diferent buffer');
    $DB->get('A', $val);
    for($fval) { #
LMDB_File ( S/SO/SORTIZ/LMDB_File-0.13.tar.gz, SORTIZ, 2024; MetaCPAN )
LMDB_File/t/01-environment.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
tra care
	is($DB->put('UNIC', $unicode), $unicode, 'Put unicode');
	my $data = $DB->get('UNIC');
	isnt($data, $unicode, 'Not the same!');
	{ use bytes; ok($data eq $unicode, 'Ugly!'); }
	# Use Latin1
	is($DB->put('ENC1', $encoded), $encoded, 'Put encoded');
	$data = $DB->get('ENC1');
	isnt($data, $unicode, 'Need decode');
	is(Encode::decode_utf8($data), $unicode, 'Decode');

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