
Matches 6

Log-Dynamic ( J/JC/JCONERLY/Log-Dynamic-0.04.tar.gz, JCONERLY, 2007; MetaCPAN )
Log-Dynamic/t/05.Stdout.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
h my $type (@types) {
	$log->$type("Got type '$type'");

foreach my $type (@types) {
	isnt($cap->read =~ /$type/is, '', "Check STDOUT for type '$type'");

vim:set syntax=perl:
Log-Dynamic ( J/JC/JCONERLY/Log-Dynamic-0.04.tar.gz, JCONERLY, 2007; MetaCPAN )
Log-Dynamic/t/08.ValidType.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 { $log->foo };
is($@, '', 'Using valid type');

# Invalid with default error
eval { $log->bar };
isnt($@, '', 'Using Invalid type with default error');


# Invalid with user defined erro
Log-Dynamic ( J/JC/JCONERLY/Log-Dynamic-0.04.tar.gz, JCONERLY, 2007; MetaCPAN )
Log-Dynamic/t/06.Stderr.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
h my $type (@types) {
	$log->$type("Got type '$type'");

foreach my $type (@types) {
	isnt($cap->read =~ /$type/is, '', "Check STDERR for type '$type'");

vim:set syntax=perl:
Log-Dynamic ( J/JC/JCONERLY/Log-Dynamic-0.04.tar.gz, JCONERLY, 2007; MetaCPAN )
Log-Dynamic/t/04.CustomType.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
en my $fh, '<', $file or die "$0: $!\n";
my $text = join '', <$fh>;

foreach my $type (@types) {
	isnt($text =~ /$type/s, '', "Custom type '$type'");

close $fh;
unlink $file;

vim:set synta
Log-Dynamic ( J/JC/JCONERLY/Log-Dynamic-0.04.tar.gz, JCONERLY, 2007; MetaCPAN )
Log-Dynamic/t/01.Object.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
og::Dynamic', 'Valid instantiation with new()');

# Invalid instantiation
eval { my $log = Log::Dynamic->open };
isnt($@, undef, 'Invalid instantiation');

unlink $file;

vim:set syntax=perl:
Log-Dynamic ( J/JC/JCONERLY/Log-Dynamic-0.04.tar.gz, JCONERLY, 2007; MetaCPAN )
Log-Dynamic/t/02.Append.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
# and the new entries.
open $fh, '<', $file or die "$0: $!\n";
my $text = join '', <$fh>;
close $fh;
isnt($text =~ /OLD.*NEW/s, '', 'Verify append mode');

unlink $file;

vim:set syntax=perl:

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