
Matches 2

Pg-Explain ( D/DE/DEPESZ/Pg-Explain-2.7.tar.gz, DEPESZ, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Pg-Explain/t/59-jit.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ct creation" );
    lives_ok( sub { $explain->parse_source(); }, "(${test}) Parsing lives" );
    isnt( $explain->jit, undef, "${test} JIT info exists" );
    isa_ok( $explain->jit, 'Pg::Explain::JIT'
creation" );
    lives_ok( sub { $rexplain->parse_source(); }, "(r-${test}) Parsing lives" );
    isnt( $rexplain->jit, undef, "r-${test} JIT info exists" );
    isa_ok( $rexplain->jit, 'Pg::Explain::
Pg-Explain ( D/DE/DEPESZ/Pg-Explain-2.7.tar.gz, DEPESZ, 2023; MetaCPAN )
Pg-Explain/t/79-multiple-anonymizations.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
econd  = $explain->as_text;

is( $first, $second, 'Two anonymized texts of plans are the same' );
isnt( $anon_t1, $text_1, 'Text 1 properly anonymized' );
is( $anon_t2, $text_2, 'Text 2 not anonymized

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