
Matches 4

Role-Basic ( O/OV/OVID/Role-Basic-0.13.tar.gz, OVID, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Role-Basic/t/moose/004_role_composition_errors.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 does not implement required method

    package Foo::Class;
    use Role::Basic 'with';

    ::isnt( ::exception { with('Foo::Role') }, undef, '... no foo method implemented by Foo::Class' );

hich does implement required method

    package Bar::Class;
    use Role::Basic 'with';

    ::isnt( ::exception { with('Foo::Class') }, undef, '... cannot consume a class, it must be a role' );
 does not implement required method

    package Baz::Class;
    use Role::Basic 'with';

    ::isnt( ::exception { with('Baz::Role') }, undef, '... no foo method implemented by Baz::Class2' );

Role-Basic ( O/OV/OVID/Role-Basic-0.13.tar.gz, OVID, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Role-Basic/t/moose/011_overriding.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ethods from the roles this role consumed). Thus, we throw an exception
    # as it's safer.
    ::isnt( ::exception {
        with qw(Role::J Role::H); # conflict between 'foo's here
    }, undef, "de
Role-Basic ( O/OV/OVID/Role-Basic-0.13.tar.gz, OVID, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Role-Basic/t/moose/032_roles_and_method_cloning.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
s( $meth, Role::Foo->can('foo'),
        '... which in turn was cloned from Role::Foo->foo' );

isnt( ClassA->foo, "ClassB::foo", "ClassA::foo is not confused with ClassB::foo");

is( ClassB->foo, '
Role-Basic ( O/OV/OVID/Role-Basic-0.13.tar.gz, OVID, 2012; MetaCPAN )
Role-Basic/t/moose/013_method_aliasing_in_composition.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

    # XXX again, we propogate errors immediately rather than generating
    # requirements
    ::isnt( ::exception {
        with 'Foo::Role' => { -alias => { 'foo' => 'foo_foo' }, -excludes => 'foo'

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