
Matches 15

Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/store.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
, $a, $c, \$c, \%a);

isnt(store(\@a, "store$$"), undef);

$dumped = &dump(\@a);
isnt($dumped, undef);

$root = retrieve("store$$");
isnt($root, undef);

$got = &dump($root);
isnt($got, undef);

oo = FOO->make;
isnt($foo->store("store$$"), undef);

isnt(open(OUT, '>>', "store$$"), undef);
binmode OUT;

isnt(store_fd(\@a, ::OUT), undef);
isnt(nstore_fd($foo, ::OUT), undef);
 ::OUT), undef);

isnt(close(OUT), undef);

isnt(open(OUT, "store$$"), undef);

$r = fd_retrieve(::OUT);
isnt($r, undef);
is(&dump($r), &dump($foo));

$r = fd_retrieve(::OUT);
isnt($r, undef);
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/freeze.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
, \$c, \%a);

my $f1 = freeze(\@a);
isnt($f1, undef);

$dumped = &dump(\@a);
isnt($dumped, undef);

$root = thaw($f1);
isnt($root, undef);

$got = &dump($root);
isnt($got, undef);

is($got, $dumped);

package main;

$foo = FOO->make;
my $f2 = $foo->freeze;
isnt($f2, undef);

my $f3 = $foo->nfreeze;
isnt($f3, undef);

$root3 = thaw($f3);
isnt($root3, undef);

is(&dump($foo), &dump($root3));

o Garcia -- RAM, 08/06/2001
my $thaw_me = 'asdasdasdasd';

eval {
	my $thawed = thaw $thaw_me;
isnt($@, '');

my %to_be_frozen = (foo => 'bar');
my $frozen;
eval {
	$frozen = freeze \%to_be_frozen;
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/tied.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
hash, \@tied);

my $f = freeze(\@a);
isnt($f, undef);

$dumped = &dump(\@a);
isnt($dumped, undef);

$root = thaw($f);
isnt($root, undef);

$got = &dump($root);
isnt($got, undef);

### Used to see the 
->{'x'}, 'FAULT', $h, 'x';
my $hf = freeze($h);
isnt($hf, undef);
is($FAULT::fault, 0);
is($h->{'x'}, 1);
is($FAULT::fault, 1);

my $ht = thaw($hf);
isnt($ht, undef);
is($ht->{'x'}, 1);
ject should be thawed blessed
    my @a;
    tie @a, TIED_ARRAY;
    my $r = bless \@a, 'FOO99';
    my $f = freeze($r);
    my $t = thaw($f);
    isnt($t, undef);
    like("$t", qr/^FOO99=ARRAY/);
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/retrieve.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
f, 3, -4, -3.14159, 456, 4.5,
	$b, \$a, $a, $c, \$c, \%a);

isnt(store(\@a, "store$$"), undef);
is(Storable::last_op_in_netorder(), '');
isnt(nstore(\@a, 'nstore'), undef);
isnt($root, undef);
is(Storable::last_op_in_netorder(), '');

$nroot = retrieve('nstore');
isnt($root, undef);
is(Storable::last_op_in_netorder(), 1);

$d1 = &dump($root);
isnt($d1, undef)
$d2 = &dump($nroot);
isnt($d2, undef);

is($d1, $d2);

# Make sure empty string is defined at retrieval time
isnt($root->[1], undef);
is(length $root->[1], 0);

# $Storable::DEBUGME = 1;
    # len
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/blessed.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
eze \\(1 == 1)"
        if !defined($f) and $] < 5.013 and $] > 5.009 and $immortal eq 'y';
      isnt($f, undef);
    my $t = thaw $f;
    pass("thaw didn't crash");

# Test automatic req
, 1);
isnt($t, undef);
is(ref $t, 'HAS_HOOK');

delete $INC{""};
delete $HAS_HOOK::{STORABLE_thaw};

$t = thaw $f;
is($HAS_HOOK::loaded_count, 2);
is($HAS_HOOK::thawed_count, 2);
isnt($t, u

$t = thaw $f;
is($STRESS_THE_STACK::freeze_count, 1);
is($STRESS_THE_STACK::thaw_count, 1);
isnt($t, undef);
is(ref $t, 'STRESS_THE_STACK');

my $file = "storable-testfile.$$";
die "Temporary fi
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/tied_hook.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

my $f = freeze(\@a);
isnt($f, undef);
$dumped = &dump(\@a);
isnt($dumped, undef);

$root = thaw($f);
isnt($root, undef);

$got = &dump($root);
isnt($got, undef);

isnt($got, $dumped);		# our hoo
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/recurse.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
my $x = freeze $real;
isnt($x, undef);

my $y = thaw $x;
is(ref $y, 'OBJ_REAL');
is($y->[0], 'a');
is($y->[1], 1);

my $sync = OBJ_SYNC->make;
$x = freeze $sync;
isnt($x, undef);

$y = thaw $x;
isnt($x, undef);

my $z = thaw $x;
$y = $z->[0];
is(ref $y, 'OBJ_SYNC2');
is($y->{ok}, $y);
is(ref $y->{sync}, 'OBJ_SYNC');
is($y->{ext}, $z->[1]);

$real = OBJ_REAL2->make;
$x = freeze $real;

$y = thaw $x;
is(ref $y, 'OBJ_REAL2');
is($OBJ_REAL2::recursed, 0);

$x = dclone $real;
isnt($x, undef);
is(ref $x, 'OBJ_REAL2');
is($OBJ_REAL2::recursed, 0);
is($OBJ_REAL2::hook_called, 2 *
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/dclone.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

	$b, \$a, $a, $c, \$c, \%a);

my $aref = dclone(\@a);
isnt($aref, undef);

$dumped = &dump(\@a);
isnt($dumped, undef);

$got = &dump($aref);
isnt($got, undef);

is($got, $dumped);

package FOO; @ISA 
elf->{key} = \%main::a;
	return $self;

package main;

$foo = FOO->make;
my $r = $foo->dclone;
isnt($r, undef);

is(&dump($foo), &dump($r));

# Ensure refs to "undef" values are properly shared dur
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/forgive.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
oo', \*GLOB,  'bar'];
my $result;

eval {$result = store ($bad , "store$$")};
is($result, undef);
isnt($@, '');


my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull;

result = store ($bad , "store$$")};

open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR");

isnt($result, undef);
is($@, '');

my $ret = retrieve("store$$");
isnt($ret, undef);
is($ret->[0], 'foo');
is($ret->[2], 'bar');
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/lock.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
e're just ensuring things work, we're not validating locking.

isnt(lock_store(\@a, "store$$"), undef);
my $dumped = &dump(\@a);
isnt($dumped, undef);

$root = lock_retrieve("store$$");
is(ref $root
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/regexp.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    is(${^PREMATCH}, "a", "check p worked");
    ok("cba" =~ $c2, "cba matches $c2");
    isnt(${^PREMATCH}, "c", "check no p worked");

    $version >= 24
      or skip "n introduce
hes $c1");
    is($1, "a", "check capturing preserved");
    ok("b" =~ $c2, "b matches $c2");
    isnt($1, "b", "check non-capturing preserved");

    $version >= 8
      or skip "Cannot ret
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/compat06.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
cted_length = $is_EBCDIC ? 217 : 278;
is(length $data, $expected_length);
my $y = thaw($data);
isnt($y, undef);
is(ref $y, 'ROOT');

$Storable::canonical = 1;		# Prevent "used once" warning
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/restrict.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
} = 15 } ;
  is($@, '', "Can assign to reserved key 'extra'?");

  eval { $copy->{nono} = 7 } ;
  isnt($@, '', "Can not assign to invalid key 'nono'?");

  is(exists $copy->{undef}, 1, "key 'undef' ex
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/utf8hash.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
 $b = chr($i); utf8::encode($b);
    # warn sprintf "%d,%d" ,bytes::length($b), is_utf8($b);

    isnt($u, $b, "equivalence - with utf8flag");

    $utf8hash{$u} = $utf8hash{$b} = $i;

sub nkeys($){
Storable ( N/NW/NWCLARK/Storable-3.25.tar.gz, NWCLARK, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Storable/t/code.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    eval { $freezed = freeze $obj[0]->[0] };

    open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR");

    is($@, "");
    isnt($freezed, '');

    my $safe = new Safe;
    local $Storable::Eval = sub { $safe->reval(shift

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