
Matches 2

Test-ManyParams ( B/BI/BIGJ/Test-ManyParams-0.10.tar.gz, BIGJ, 2003; MetaCPAN )
Test-ManyParams/t/any_isnt.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
me" : "");
    $testname ? any_isnt { 0 } 1, $params, $testname : any_isnt { 0 } 1, $params;
    test_test "Everything should be O.K., if sub always returns 0, but 1 isnt expected ".
out "ok 1" . ($testname ? " - $testname" : "");
    any_isnt { eq_array(\@_, $ok_params) ? 0 : 1 } 1, $params, $testname;
    test_test "any_isnt should be correct with" .
t is different to " . _dump_params(42);
    test_diag "but didn't found such parameters";
    any_isnt { 42 } 42, $params, $testname;
    test_test "no true values should fail (". 
Test-ManyParams ( B/BI/BIGJ/Test-ManyParams-0.10.tar.gz, BIGJ, 2003; MetaCPAN )
Test-ManyParams/t/seed.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

sleep 2;

    import Test::ManyParams;
    $seed2 = $Test::ManyParams::seed;

isnt $seed1, $seed2, "Two seeds should be different";

#throws_ok {import Test::ManyParams; $Test::Man

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