
Matches 10

Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/memcache.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
is_deeply($ref, $ref_get, 'get arrayref has equal data');
isnt(scalar($ref), scalar($ref_get), 'get arrayref has different pointer');
isnt(scalar($ref->[2]), scalar($ref_get->[2]), 'get arrayref has
is_deeply($ref, $ref_get, 'get hashref has equal data');
isnt(scalar($ref), scalar($ref_get), 'get hashref different pointer');
isnt(scalar($ref->{3}), scalar($ref_get->{3}), 'get hashref differ
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/server_session_mongodb.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
      my $snd = $s->renew;
                return [$fst, $snd];
        isnt $fst, $snd;
    } 'session ID changes after renewing it';

    lives_and {
        my ($fst, $snd
        my $snd = $s->get;
                return [$fst, $snd];
        isnt $fst, $snd;
    } 'session ID changes after discarding it';

    lives_and {
        my $val = rg
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/value.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
n, "genRandomString($name).length ($len)");
  like($s, $pat, "genRandomString($name).pattern");
  isnt($s, $v->genRandomString($len, $type), "genRandomString($name).another");
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/db-mysql-readdefaultfile.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
CT * 
				  FROM tripletail_test
			is($hasharr->[0]->[0], 1, "[utf8_kanji] fetch ok");
			isnt($hasharr->[0]->[1], $kanji_data, "[utf8_kanji] fetching kanji data under latin1 setting get garbl
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/db-pgsql.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				my $in_tx;
				$DB->tx(sub{ $in_tx = $DB->inTx(); });
			}, 1, "[tx_tran] inTx in tx";
			isnt 1, $DB->inTx(), "[tx_tran] inTx out of tx";
			# create test data (blue red yellow green aqua
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/db-mysql.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				my $in_tx;
				$DB->tx(sub{ $in_tx = $DB->inTx(); });
			}, 1, "[tx_tran] inTx in tx";
			isnt 1, $DB->inTx(), "[tx_tran] inTx out of tx";
			# create test data (blue red yellow green aqua
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/v042_debug_buffering.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
{content} =~ s{^((\d+):|)}{
			$1 or die "no time on line";
			push(@times, $2);
		isnt($ret->{content}, $CONTENT, "[enabled.single] content is changed");
		ok($times[0], "[enabled.sing
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/db.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				my $in_tx;
				$DB->tx(sub{ $in_tx = $DB->inTx(); });
			}, 1, "[tx_tran] inTx in tx";
			isnt 1, $DB->inTx(), "[tx_tran] inTx out of tx";
			# create test data (blue red yellow green aqua
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/db-mssql.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				my $in_tx;
				$DB->tx(sub{ $in_tx = $DB->inTx(); });
			}, 1, "[tx_tran] inTx in tx";
			isnt 1, $DB->inTx(), "[tx_tran] inTx out of tx";
			# create test data (blue red yellow green aqua
Tripletail ( H/HI/HIO/Tripletail-0.65.tar.gz, HIO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Tripletail/t/db-sqlite.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
				my $in_tx;
				$DB->tx(sub{ $in_tx = $DB->inTx(); });
			}, 1, "[tx_tran] inTx in tx";
			isnt 1, $DB->inTx(), "[tx_tran] inTx out of tx";
			# create test data (blue red yellow green aqua

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