
Matches 2

UNIVERSAL-Object ( S/ST/STEVAN/UNIVERSAL-Object-0.17.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2023; MetaCPAN )
UNIVERSAL-Object/t/010-object/010-BUILD.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
llector, ['Foo'], '... got the expected collection');

        my $foo2 = Foo->new;
        isnt( $foo->collector, $foo2->collector, '... we have two different array refs' );

    is_deeply($bar->collector, ['Foo', 'Bar'], '... got the expected collection');

        isnt( $foo->collector, $bar->collector, '... we have two different array refs' );

, '... got the expected collection');

        isnt( $foo->collector, $baz->collector, '... we have two different array refs' );
        isnt( $bar->collector, $baz->collector, '... we have two 
UNIVERSAL-Object ( S/ST/STEVAN/UNIVERSAL-Object-0.17.tar.gz, STEVAN, 2023; MetaCPAN )
UNIVERSAL-Object/t/010-object/050-edge-cases.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    eval { $o2 = $o->new };
    ok(!$@, '... no expection calling ->new on instance');
    isnt($o, $o2, '... we got a new instance');

    package Foo;
    use strict;
    use warnings;


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