
Matches 12

UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/71_ur_value.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
my $s3 = UR::Value::Text->get('something else');
ok($s3, 'Got an object for a different string');
isnt($s1,$s3, 'They are different objects');

my $s4 = UR::Value::Text->get('0');
ok(defined($s4), 'Go
ok($s1, 're-get the original string object');
is($s1->id, 'hi there', 'It has the right id');
isnt(Scalar::Util::refaddr($s1), $s1_refaddr, 'It is not the original object reference');

      is($path->size, 0, 'file path size is zero');
        system("echo hello > $path");
        isnt($path->size, 0, "file path size isn't zero");
        is($path->line_count, 1, 'file path has one
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/mro.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    is($lion->foo, $animal->foo, "Lion's foo is the same as Animal's");
    isnt($eagle->foo, $animal->foo, "Eagle's foo is not the same as Animal's");
    is($gryphon->foo, $ani
    is($lion->foo, $animal->foo, "Lion's foo is the same as Animal's");
    isnt($eagle->foo, $animal->foo, "Eagle's foo is not the same as Animal's");
    is($gryphon->foo, $eag
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/31_ref_as_value.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ith value");

ok($ay->b_thing($by), "Changed ay b_thing to by");

isnt($ax->b_thing,$ay->b_thing,"ax b_thing is not ay b_thing");
isnt($ax->b_thing->value,$ay->b_thing->value,"ax->b_thing value is not
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/30_calculated_default.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    isnt($foo, $orig_foo, 'foo was changed');

    my $thing2 = URT::ThingWithDefaultSub->create();
    is($thing2->name, $foo, 'thing2 default name was resolved');

UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/11e_copy.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ame => 'Clippers');
    is_deeply([$copied_team->players], [], 'copied team has no players');
    isnt($copied_team->name, $lakers->name, 'name was overrode');

txtest 'copy is_many properties' => 
    is(ref($copy->{things}), ref($source->{things}), 'things have same reference type');
    isnt($copy->{things}, $source->{things}, 'copy did not reuse reference');
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/99_transaction-failed_commit_rollback.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

    my $old_radius = $circle->radius;
    my $new_radius = $circle->radius + 5;
    isnt($circle->radius, $new_radius, "new circle radius isn't current radius");
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/03k_flatten_hard_refs.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
did not get an exception with original actor');

    my $clone = UR::Util::deep_copy($actor);
    isnt("$clone", "$actor", 'cloned actor');

    my $bx = URT::Show->define_boolexpr(actors => $clone);
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/19_calculated_accessor.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
per-cased name is correct');
is($calculate_called, 0, 'The calculation function was not called');
isnt($e1->cached_uc_full_name, uc($e1->full_name), 'it is correctly different than the current upper-c
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/96c_ur_context_current_and_process.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    my $new_cc = UR::Context->current;
    my $new_cp = UR::Context->process;
    isnt($new_cc->id, $cc->id, 'current changed within transaction');
    is  ($new_cp->id, $cp->id, 'proc
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/61_iterator.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
    is($o1, $o2, 'next() returns the same obj, again');

    $o2 = $iter->peek();
    isnt($o1, $o2, 'peek after next() returns a different object');

    my $o3 = $iter->next();
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/49n_double_join_involves_inheritance.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
r.color' => 'red', 'secondary_car.color' => 'yellow');
is(scalar(@p2), 1, "got one person with cars by color");

isnt($p1[0], $p2[0], 'the person with a yellow car is not the person with vehicle 1');
UR ( B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.47.tar.gz, BRUMMETT, 2018; MetaCPAN )
UR/t/URT/t/91b_sets_count_with_changes.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
->member_class_name, $cool_person_set->member_class_name, 'sets have the same member class');
    isnt($uncool_person_set, $cool_person_set, 'sets are not the same');

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