
Matches 3

WebGPU-Direct ( A/AT/ATRODO/WebGPU-Direct-0.13-TRIAL.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2024; MetaCPAN )
WebGPU-Direct/t/set_obj.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ck_calls = 0;
local *WebGPU::Direct::Limits::unpack = sub { $unpack_calls++; $rl_unpack->(@_) };

isnt( refaddr $h, refaddr %$obj, 'Original hash does not share an address' );
ok( explain($h),   'The 
ed once with a hash' );
  is( $unpack_calls, 0, 'Limits unpack was never called with a hash' );
  isnt( refaddr $h, refaddr $a->limits->%*, 'Original hash does not share an address from set_obj' );
since it is copying' );
  is( $unpack_calls, 1, 'Limits unpack was never called with a hash' );
  isnt( refaddr $obj, refaddr $a->limits->%*, 'Original hash does not share an address from set_obj' );
WebGPU-Direct ( A/AT/ATRODO/WebGPU-Direct-0.13-TRIAL.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2024; MetaCPAN )
WebGPU-Direct/t/attr_array.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
aceCapabilities object is still blessed' );

  # PresentMode must include at least 1 item: Fifo
  isnt( $sc->presentModeCount, 0, 'Present Mode Count is at least one' );

  isa_ok( $sc->presentModes, 
oreach my $pm ( $sc->presentModes->@* )
    is( ref $pm, '', "Enum $pm is not blessed" );
    isnt( 0 + $pm, "$pm", "Enum $pm is dualvar" );
    is( WebGPU::Direct::PresentMode->new($pm), $pm, "En
WebGPU-Direct ( A/AT/ATRODO/WebGPU-Direct-0.13-TRIAL.tar.gz, ATRODO, 2024; MetaCPAN )
WebGPU-Direct/t/fn_param_unpack.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )

# Select a few known to not be "0"
foreach my $k (@nonempty_keys)
  isnt( $supported_limits->limits->$k, $limits{$k}, "$k differs like it should" );

# What happens whe

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