
Matches 1

Win32-Symlinks ( Z/ZA/ZARABOZO/Win32-Symlinks-0.10.tar.gz, ZARABOZO, 2021; MetaCPAN )
Win32-Symlinks/t/01-run.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
created and is symlink';
isnt -f 'invalid_symlink', 1, 'Invalid symlink returns false with -f';
isnt -d 'invalid_symlink', 1, 'Invalid symlink returns false with -d';
isnt -e 'invalid_symlink', 1, '
unlink 'invalid_symlink';
if ($l_operator_works) {
    isnt -l 'invalid_symlink', 1, 'Invalid symlink is gone';

# 18
unlink $folder2;
isnt -d $folder2, 1, "Folder $folder2 is gone with unlink";

k File::Spec->catfile($folder1, $file2);
isnt -f File::Spec->catfile($folder1, $file2), 1, "File $folder1/$file2 is gone with unlink";

# 23
unlink $file1;
isnt -f $file1, 1, "File $file1 is gone with

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