
Matches 3

Zonemaster-Backend ( Z/ZN/ZNMSTR/Zonemaster-Backend-11.1.1.tar.gz, ZNMSTR, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Zonemaster-Backend/t/db.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ams_ipv4, $expected_encoded_params_v4_true, 'add ipv4: the encoded strings should match';
        isnt $fingerprint_ipv4, $fingerprint, 'fingerprints should not match';

    subtest 'array prop
s1 );
            my ( undef, $fingerprint2 ) = encode_and_fingerprint( \%params2 );

            isnt $fingerprint1, $fingerprint2, 'different profiles, different fingerprints';
s1 );
            my ( undef, $fingerprint2 ) = encode_and_fingerprint( \%params2 );

            isnt $fingerprint1, $fingerprint2, 'different IP protocols, different fingerprints';
Zonemaster-Backend ( Z/ZN/ZNMSTR/Zonemaster-Backend-11.1.1.tar.gz, ZNMSTR, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Zonemaster-Backend/t/test01.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
ince an old test has been reused
        isnt( $res->{client_id}, $params->{client_id}, 'The "client_id" value is not the same (which is fine)' );
        isnt( $res->{client_version}, $params->{clien
Zonemaster-Backend ( Z/ZN/ZNMSTR/Zonemaster-Backend-11.1.1.tar.gz, ZNMSTR, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Zonemaster-Backend/t/lifecycle.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
            my $testid4 = $db->create_new_test( "zone1.rpcapi.example", {}, 10 );
            isnt $testid4, $testid1, 'a new testid is generated after the old one expires';


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