
Matches 1

PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot ( E/ET/ETJ/PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot-2.026.tar.gz, ETJ, 2024; MetaCPAN )
PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot/t/plot.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
() };

is $@, '';
isa_ok($w, 'PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot', "Constructor created a plotting object");

isnt $PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot::gp_version, '', "Extracted a version string from gnuplot" or diag "Raw o
 = gpwin( 'dumb', size=>[79,24],output=>$testoutput, wait=>1) };
is($@, '', "constructor works");
isnt ref $w, '', "constructor works";

    # Check timeout.
    skip "Skipping timeout test, wh

is($lines1, $lines2,  "Setting the time range to what it would be anyway duplicates the graph");
isnt($lines2, $lines3, "Modifying the time range modifies the graph");


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.