
Matches 2

Test-Harness ( L/LE/LEONT/Test-Harness-3.49_01.tar.gz, LEONT, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Test-Harness/t/source.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
_newlines => 0,
            length       => 11,
        'assemble_meta for scalar that isnt a file'

    is( $source->meta, $meta, '... and caches meta' );

# array check
r},  '... file->dir set' );
    isnt( delete $file->{read},    undef, '... file->read set' );
    isnt( delete $file->{write},   undef, '... file->write set' );
    isnt( delete $file->{execute}, unde
r}, '... file->dir set' );
    isnt( delete $file->{size},    undef, '... file->size set' );
    isnt( delete $file->{binary},  undef, '... file->binary set' );
    isnt( delete $file->{empty},   unde
Test-Harness ( L/LE/LEONT/Test-Harness-3.49_01.tar.gz, LEONT, 2024; MetaCPAN )
Test-Harness/t/grammar.t ( view source; MetaCPAN )
yaml_token, that is
    # passed as the yaml consumer to T::P::YAMLish::Reader.

    # because it isnt valid yaml, the yaml document is
    # not done, and the _peek in the YAMLish::Reader
    # code 

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