
Matches 2394

RJBS/Sub-Exporter-0.991 ( 2023; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
ABW/Badger-0.16 ( 2023; matches 3 files; MetaCPAN )
Application programming toolkit
Pretty-print data structure for console output
STEVAN/UNIVERSAL-Object-0.17 ( 2023; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
A useful base class
ETHER/MooseX-Types-Meta-0.02 ( 2015; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
Moose types to check against Moose's meta objects
TOMC/FindApp-v0.0.6 ( 2021; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
find your application home and config your process for it
DEPESZ/Pg-Explain-2.7 ( 2023; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
Object approach at reading explain analyze output
TIMLEGGE/Net-SAML2-0.79 ( 2024; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
SAML bindings and protocol implementation
WBRASWELL/Alien-PCRE2-0.017000 ( 2023; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
Find Or Download/Build/Install libpcre2 In PCRE2
Connector library for the insanely fast L<HEXONET Backend API|>.
BESINT/Date-Holidays-BY-1.2024.0 ( 2023; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
Determine Belorussian official holidays and business days.
HAARG/Sub-Quote-2.006008 ( 2023; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
GWILLIAMS/RDF-Query-2.918_01 ( 2024; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
Generate function (and its metadata) to read table data
HKOBA/YATT-Lite-0.101_103 ( 2023; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
Template with "use strict"
HMBRAND/Net-CVE-0.009 ( 2024; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
Fetch CVE information from
MIKKOI/Env-Dot-0.013 ( 2024; matches 2 files; MetaCPAN )
Read environment variables from .env file
CORION/Future-HTTP-0.17 ( 2024; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
provide the most appropriate HTTP client with a Future API
Access data from Garmin Connect
JMASLAK/Crypt-EAMessage-1.232011 ( 2023; matches 3 files; MetaCPAN )
Simple-to-use Abstraction of Encrypted Authenticated Messages

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.