
Matches 2394

XMATH/Data-Alias-1.28 ( 2022; matches 10 files; MetaCPAN )
Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
CHRISN/Net-SSLeay-1.94 ( 2024; matches 8 files; MetaCPAN )
Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL
TOBYINK/MooseX-XSAccessor-0.010 ( 2022; matches 13 files; MetaCPAN )
use Class::XSAccessor to speed up Moose accessors
BDFOY/Test-File-1.993 ( 2023; matches 5 files; MetaCPAN )
test file attributes
ATRODO/Audio-TinySoundFont-0.12 ( 2024; matches 4 files; MetaCPAN )
Interface to TinySoundFont, a "SoundFont2 synthesizer library in a single C/C++ file"
PJACKLAM/bignum-0.67 ( 2023; matches 7 files; MetaCPAN )
TURNSTEP/DBD-Pg-3.18.0 ( 2023; matches 12 files; MetaCPAN )
DBI PostgreSQL interface
PLICEASE/FFI-Platypus-2.08 ( 2023; matches 12 files; MetaCPAN )
Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
KIMOTO/SPVM-0.990001 ( 2024; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
The SPVM Language
CROMEDOME/Dancer2-1.1.0 ( 2023; matches 10 files; MetaCPAN )
Lightweight yet powerful web application framework
Dancer2 validation framework.
TMHARISH/XML-Smart-1.79 ( 2013; matches 4 files; MetaCPAN )
A smart, easy and powerful way to access or create XML from fiels, data and URLs.
EXODIST/Test2-Suite-0.000162 ( 2024; matches 6 files; MetaCPAN )
Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework.
BINGOS/Module-Load-0.36 ( 2020; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
Load modules in a DWIM style
VPIT/Scope-Upper-0.34 ( 2023; matches 4 files; MetaCPAN )
Act on upper scopes.
ETJ/Graph-0.9727 ( 2023; matches 8 files; MetaCPAN )
EXODIST/Lexical-Importer-0.000005 ( 2016; matches 11 files; MetaCPAN )
Importer + Lexical subs/vars.
BDFOY/CPAN-Audit-20240414.001 ( 2024; matches 4 files; MetaCPAN )
Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities
BAYASHI/Test-Arrow-0.22 ( 2023; matches 1 files; MetaCPAN )
Object-Oriented testing library
IAMCAL/Flickr-API-1.29 ( 2024; matches 4 files; MetaCPAN )

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.