package Acpi::Class::Attributes;
$Acpi::Class::Attributes::VERSION = '0.003';
# ABSTRACT: Creates a HashRef with the filenames of a directory and its contents.
# use {{{
use strict;
use warnings;
use Object::Tiny::XS qw( path );
use Carp;
sub attributes #{{{
# Get the parameters from $dir
my $self = shift;
my $dir = $self->path;
opendir (my $device, $dir) or croak "The class/device '$dir' does not exist in your system. \n";
my %attributes;
while (readdir($device))
if (-f "$dir/$_")
my $content = do
local @ARGV = "$dir/$_";
local $/ = <ARGV>;
chomp $content if defined $content;
$attributes{$_} = $content;
return \%attributes;
=head1 NAME
Acpi::Class::Attributes - Creates a HashRef with the filenames of a directory and its contents.