

use 5.008004;
use Test2::V0 -no_srand => 1;
use Test::Alien::Build;
use Alien::Build;
use Path::Tiny qw( path );
use lib 'corpus/lib';
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture_merged );
use File::Temp qw( tempdir );

subtest 'compile examples' => sub {

  foreach my $alienfile (path('example')->children(qr/\.alienfile$/))
    my $build = eval {
    is $@, '', $alienfile->basename;


subtest 'non struct alienfile' => sub {

  eval {
    alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      my $foo = 'bar';
      @{ "${foo}::${foo}" } = ();
  my $error = $@;
  isnt $error, '', 'throws error';
  note "error = $error";


subtest 'warnings alienfile' => sub {

  my $warning = warning {
    alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      my $foo;
      my $bar = "$foo";

  ok $warning;
  note $warning;


subtest 'plugin' => sub {

  subtest 'basic' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      plugin 'RogerRamjet';

      hash {
        field ramjet => 'roger';
        field foo    => 22;
        field bar    => 'something generated';
        field baz    => undef;


  subtest 'default argument' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      plugin 'RogerRamjet' => 'starscream';

      hash {
        field ramjet => 'roger';
        field foo    => 22;
        field bar    => 'starscream';
        field baz    => undef;


  subtest 'other arguments' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      plugin 'RogerRamjet' => (
        foo => 42,
        bar => 'skywarp',
        baz => 'megatron',

      hash {
        field ramjet => 'roger';
        field foo    => 42;
        field bar    => 'skywarp';
        field baz    => 'megatron';


  subtest 'sub package' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      plugin 'NesAdvantage::Controller';

    is($build->meta->prop->{nesadvantage}, 'controller');


  subtest 'negotiate' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      plugin 'NesAdvantage';

    is($build->meta->prop->{nesadvantage}, 'negotiate');


  subtest 'fully qualified class' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      plugin '=Alien::Build::Plugin::RogerRamjet';

      hash {
        field ramjet => 'roger';
        field foo    => 22;
        field bar    => 'something generated';
        field baz    => undef;



subtest 'probe' => sub {

  subtest 'basic' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      probe sub {
        my($build) = @_;
        $build->install_prop->{called_probe} = 1;

    is($build->probe, 'share');
    is($build->install_prop->{called_probe}, 1);

  subtest 'wrong block' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;
        sys {
          probe sub { };

    like $@, qr/probe must not be in a system block/;



subtest 'download' => sub {

  subtest 'basic' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      use Path::Tiny qw( path );
      probe sub { 'share' };
      share {
        download sub { path('xor-1.00.tar.gz')->touch };

    note capture_merged { $build->download; () };

    my $download = path($build->install_prop->{download});


  subtest 'wrong block' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;
        sys {
          download sub {};

    like $@, qr/download must be in a share block/;



foreach my $hook (qw( fetch decode prefer extract build build_ffi ))

  subtest "$hook" => sub {

    my(undef, $build) = capture_merged {
      alienfile qq{
        use alienfile;
        share {
          $hook sub { };

    ok( $build->meta->has_hook($hook) );



subtest 'gather' => sub {

  subtest 'configure' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;
        configure {
          gather sub {};

    like $@, qr/gather is not allowed in configure block/;


  subtest 'system + share' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      gather sub {};

    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_system'), T() );
    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_share'),  T() );


  subtest 'system' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      sys { gather sub {} };

    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_system'), T() );
    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_share'),  F() );


  subtest 'share' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      share { gather sub {} };

    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_system'), F() );
    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_share'),  T() );


  subtest 'share + gather_ffi' => sub {

    my(undef,$build) = capture_merged {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;
        share { gather_ffi sub {} };

    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_ffi'), T() );

  subtest 'share + ffi gather' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      share { ffi { gather sub {} } };

    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_ffi'), T() );

  subtest 'nada' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;

    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_system'), F() );
    is( $build->meta->has_hook('gather_share'),  F() );



subtest 'prop' => sub {

  my $build = alienfile q{
    use alienfile;
    meta_prop->{foo1} = 'bar1';

  is( $build->meta_prop->{foo1}, 'bar1' );


subtest 'patch' => sub {

  my $build = alienfile q{
    use alienfile;
    share { patch sub { } };

  is( $build->meta->has_hook('patch'), T() );


subtest 'patch_ffi' => sub {

  my(undef,$build) = capture_merged {
    alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      share { patch_ffi sub { } };

  is( $build->meta->has_hook('patch_ffi'), T() );


subtest 'ffi patch' => sub {

  my $build = alienfile q{
    use alienfile;
    share { ffi { patch sub { } } };

  is( $build->meta->has_hook('patch_ffi'), T() );


subtest 'arch' => sub {

  subtest 'on' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      meta_prop->{arch} = 1;

    is( $build->meta_prop->{arch}, T());


  subtest 'off' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      meta_prop->{arch} = 0;

    is( $build->meta_prop->{arch}, F());

  subtest 'default' => sub {
    my $build = alienfile q{
      use alienfile;

    is( $build->meta_prop->{arch}, T());


subtest 'meta' => sub {

  my $build = alienfile q{
    use alienfile;
    meta->prop->{foo} = 1;
    probe sub { 'system' };


  is $build->meta_prop->{foo}, 1;


subtest 'test' => sub {

  subtest 'basic' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      share {
        test [];

      hash {
        field 'Alien::Build' => '1.14';

  alienfile_ok q{

    use alienfile;

    sys {
      test [];


  alienfile_ok q{

    use alienfile;

    share {
      ffi {
        test [];


  eval {
    alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      test [];
  like $@, qr/test is not allowed in any block/, 'not allowed in root block';

  eval {
    alienfile q{
      use alienfile;
      configure { test[] };
  like $@, qr/test is not allowed in configure block/, 'not allowed in configure block';


subtest 'start_url' => sub {

  my $build = alienfile_ok q{
    use alienfile;
    share {
      start_url '';

    object {
      call meta_prop => hash {
        field start_url => '';
      call [requires => 'configure'] => hash {
        field 'Alien::Build' => '1.19';
    'build object'


subtest 'before' => sub {

  my $mock = mock 'Alien::Build::Meta' => (
    class => 'Alien::Build::Meta',

  my @before_hook;

  $mock->around(before_hook => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my (undef, $name, $code) = @_;
    push @before_hook, [$name, $code];

  $mock->around(new => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    @before_hook = ();

  subtest 'before build in share' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;

      share {
        before 'build' => sub {
          return 42;
        build [];

    is $before_hook[0][0], 'build';
    ok($build->requires('configure')->{'Alien::Build'} >= '1.40', 'before directive requires 1.40');


  subtest 'before build in share>ffi' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;

      share {
        ffi {
          before 'build' => sub {
            return 42;
          build [];

    is $before_hook[0][0], 'build_ffi';


  subtest 'before probe in any' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      before 'probe' => sub {};
      probe [];

    is $before_hook[0][0], 'probe';


  subtest 'before gather any' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      before 'gather' => sub {};
      gather [];

    is $before_hook[1][0], 'gather_system';
    is $before_hook[0][0], 'gather_share';


  subtest 'before gather share' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      share {
        before 'gather' => sub {};
        gather [];

    is $before_hook[0][0], 'gather_share';


  subtest 'before gather ffi' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      share {
        ffi {
          before 'gather' => sub {};
          gather [];

    is $before_hook[0][0], 'gather_ffi';


  subtest 'before gather system' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      sys {
        before 'gather' => sub {};
        gather [];

    is $before_hook[0][0], 'gather_system';


  subtest 'before build in sys' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;

        sys {
          before 'build' => sub {
            return 42;
          build [];
    like $@, qr/before build is not allowed in sys block/, 'not allowed in sys block';


  subtest 'before second argument must be a code ref' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;

        share {
          before 'build' => 1;
          build [];
    like $@, qr/before build argument must be a code reference/, 'must be code reference';


  subtest 'arbitrary stages not allowed' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;

        share {
          before 'bogus' => sub {};
          build [];
    like $@, qr/No such stage bogus/, 'no bogus allowed';


subtest 'after' => sub {

  my $mock = mock 'Alien::Build::Meta' => (
    class => 'Alien::Build::Meta',

  my @after_hook;

  $mock->around(after_hook => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my (undef, $name, $code) = @_;
    push @after_hook, [$name, $code];

  $mock->around(new => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    @after_hook = ();

  subtest 'after build in share' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;

      share {
        after 'build' => sub {
          return 42;
        build [];

    is $after_hook[0][0], 'build';
    ok($build->requires('configure')->{'Alien::Build'} >= '1.40', 'after directive requires 1.40');


  subtest 'after build in share>ffi' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;

      share {
        ffi {
          after 'build' => sub {
            return 42;
          build [];

    is $after_hook[0][0], 'build_ffi';


  subtest 'after probe in any' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      after 'probe' => sub {};
      probe [];

    is $after_hook[0][0], 'probe';


  subtest 'after gather any' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      after 'gather' => sub {};
      gather [];

    is $after_hook[1][0], 'gather_system';
    is $after_hook[0][0], 'gather_share';


  subtest 'after gather share' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      share {
        after 'gather' => sub {};
        gather [];

    is $after_hook[0][0], 'gather_share';


  subtest 'after gather ffi' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      share {
        ffi {
          after 'gather' => sub {};
          gather [];

    is $after_hook[0][0], 'gather_ffi';


  subtest 'after gather system' => sub {

    my $build = alienfile_ok q{
      use alienfile;
      sys {
        after 'gather' => sub {};
        gather [];

    is $after_hook[0][0], 'gather_system';


  subtest 'after build in sys' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;

        sys {
          after 'build' => sub {
            return 42;
          build [];
    like $@, qr/after build is not allowed in sys block/, 'not allowed in sys block';


  subtest 'after second argument must be a code ref' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;

        share {
          after 'build' => 1;
          build [];
    like $@, qr/after build argument must be a code reference/, 'must be code reference';


  subtest 'arbitrary stages not allowed' => sub {

    eval {
      alienfile q{
        use alienfile;

        share {
          after 'bogus' => sub {};
          build [];
    like $@, qr/No such stage bogus/, 'no bogus allowed';


subtest 'digest' => sub {

  local $Alien::Build::VERSION = $Alien::Build::VERSION || 2.57;

  my $build = alienfile_ok q{
    use alienfile;
    digest SHA256 => 'a7e79996a02d3dfc47f6f3ec043c67690dc06a10d091bf1d760fee7c8161391a';
    plugin 'Fetch::Local';
    probe sub { 'share' };


    hash {
      field type     => 'file';
      field filename => 'foo.txt.gz';
    'fetch works with good sig';

    dies { $build->fetch(__FILE__) },
    match qr/SHA256 digest does not match/,
    'fetch dies with bad sig';



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