


use Test2::V0;
use Test::Lib;

use App::Env;


my $app1 = App::Env->new( 'App1' );

ok( defined $app1, 'create env' );

# make sure that worked
is( $app1->env( 'Site1_App1' ), 1, 'check env' );

# and brand it
$app1->setenv( 'AppEnvTestID' => $$ );


    # now clone it
    my $clone = $app1->clone;

    ok( defined $clone, 'cloned env' );

    is( $clone->env( 'AppEnvTestID' ), $$, 'check cloned env' );

    # change cloned environment
    $clone->setenv( 'CloneTest' => 1 );

    is( $clone->env( 'CloneTest' ), 1, 'check updated cloned env' );

    # and ensure that the parent environment has not been changed

    is( $app1->env( 'CloneTest' ), undef, 'check parent env' );

    # and ensure that the clone has a new object id
    isnt( $app1->lobject_id, $clone->lobject_id, 'clone object id' );


# try a cached clone

    my $clone = $app1->clone( { Cache => 1 } );
    ok( defined $clone, 'cached cloned env' );

    # and brand it
    $clone->setenv( 'CloneTest' => 2 );

    # and ensure that the parent environment has not been changed
    is( $app1->env( 'CloneTest' ), undef, 'check parent env' );

    # and make sure that the cache id is different
    ok( $clone->cacheid ne $app1->cacheid, 'clone cache id' );

    # and retrieve the cached env
    my $retrieve = App::Env::retrieve( $clone->cacheid );

    ok( defined $retrieve, 'retrieve cached clone' );

    # and make sure its the correct one.
    is( $retrieve->env( 'CloneTest' ), 2, 'check cached cloned env' );


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