package App::ParseBounceMessage;
our $DATE = '2021-05-25'; # DATE
our $VERSION = '0.002'; # VERSION
use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings;
our %SPEC;
$SPEC{parse_bounce_message} = {
v => 1.1,
summary => 'Parse a bounce email message and return a structure',
args => {
message_file => {
summary => 'A file containing a single email message',
schema => 'filename*',
default => '-',
description => <<'_',
Dash (`-`) means to get the message from standard input.
pos => 0,
sub parse_bounce_message {
require File::Slurper;
require Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser;
my %args = @_;
my $message = $args{message_file} eq '-' ?
do { local $/; <STDIN> } :
do { File::Slurper::read_text($args{message_file}) };
my $bounce = Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser->new($message);
my @reports = $bounce->reports;
[200, "OK", {
addresses => [$bounce->addresses],
num_reports => [scalar(@reports)],
reports => [
map { +{
reporting_mta => $_->get('reporting_mta'),
arrival_date => $_->get('arrival-date'),
final_recipient => $_->get('final-recipient'),
action => $_->get('action'),
status => $_->get('status'),
diagnostic_code => $_->get('diagnostic-code'),
email => $_->get('email'),
std_reason => $_->get('std_reason'),
reason => $_->get('reason'),
host => $_->get('host'),
smtp_code => $_->get('smtp_code'),
} } @reports,
orig_message_id => $bounce->orig_message_id,
# ABSTRACT: Parse a bounce email message and return a structure
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
App::ParseBounceMessage - Parse a bounce email message and return a structure
=head1 VERSION
This document describes version 0.002 of App::ParseBounceMessage (from Perl distribution App-ParseBounceMessage), released on 2021-05-25.
This distribution provides a simple CLI for
=head2 parse_bounce_message
parse_bounce_message(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]
Parse a bounce email message and return a structure.
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * B<message_file> => I<filename> (default: "-")
A file containing a single email message.
Dash (C<->) means to get the message from standard input.
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP status code
(200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element
($reason) is a string containing error message, or "OK" if status is
200. Third element ($payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth
element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash
that contains extra information.
Return value: (any)
Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.
=head1 SOURCE
Source repository is at L<>.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2019 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.