package App::SD::CLI::Command;
use Any::Moose 'Role';
use Params::Validate qw(validate);
=head2 get_content %args
This is a helper routine for use in SD commands to enable getting records
in different ways such as from a file, on the commandline, or from an
editor. Returns the record content.
Valid keys in %args are type => str, default_edit => bool, and
prefill_props => $props_hash_ref, props_order => $order_array_ref,
footer => str, header => str.
Specifying props with prefill_props allows you to present lists of
key/value pairs (with possible default values) for a user to fill in.
If you need a specific ordering of props, specify it with
C<props_order>. Specifying C<header> and/or C<footer> allows you to
print some optional text before and/or after the list of props.
Note that you will have to post-process C<$content> from the routine
calling C<get_content> in order to extract the keys and values from
the returned text.
sub get_content {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $content;
if (my $file = $self->delete_arg('file')) {
my ( $vol, $dir, $name ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file );
$content = Prophet::Util->slurp( $file );
$self->set_prop(name => $name);
} elsif ($content = $self->delete_arg('content')) {
} elsif ($args{default_edit} || $self->has_arg('edit')) {
my $text = '';
if (my $header = $args{header}) {
$text .= $header;
if (my $props = $args{prefill_props}) {
my $props_order;
my @ordering = ($props_order = $args{props_order}) ?
@$props_order : keys %$props;
$text .= join "\n", map { "$_: $props->{$_}" } @ordering;
if (my $footer = $args{footer}) {
$text .= $footer;
$content = $self->edit_text($text);
# user aborted their text editor without changing anything; signify
# this to the caller by returning nothing
$content = '' if $content eq $text;
die "Tried to invoke an editor in a test script!";
} else {
print "Please type your $args{type} and press ctrl-d.\n";
$content = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
chomp $content;
return $content;
no Any::Moose;