

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

require Class::MOP;
use lib 't/lib';

isnt( exception {
}, undef, "is_class_loaded with no argument dies" );

ok(!Class::MOP::is_class_loaded(''), "can't load the empty class");
ok(!Class::MOP::is_class_loaded(\"foo"), "can't load a class name reference??");

ok(!Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name(undef), 'undef is not a valid class name');
ok(!Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name(''), 'empty string is not a valid class name');
ok(!Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name(\"foo"), 'a reference is not a valid class name');
ok(!Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name('bogus name'), q{'bogus name' is not a valid class name});
ok(Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name('Foo'), q{'Foo' is a valid class name});
ok(Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name('Foo::Bar'), q{'Foo::Bar' is a valid class name});
ok(Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name('Foo_::Bar2'), q{'Foo_::Bar2' is a valid class name});
like( exception { Class::MOP::load_class('bogus name') }, qr/Invalid class name \(bogus name\)/ );

like( exception {
}, qr/__PACKAGE__\.pm.*\@INC/, 'errors sanely on' );

can_ok('BinaryTree' => 'traverse');

do {
    package Class;
    sub method {}

    local $@;
    eval { Class::MOP::load_class('Class') };
    ok( ! $@, 'load_class does not die if the package is already defined' );

ok( !Class::MOP::does_metaclass_exist("Class"), "no metaclass for non MOP class" );

like( exception {
}, qr/Can't locate / );

like( exception {
}, qr/Missing right curly/ );

like( exception {
    delete $INC{''};
        'FakeClassOhNo', 'SyntaxError', 'Class'
}, qr/Missing right curly/, 'load_first_existing_class does not pass over an existing (bad) module' );

like( exception {
}, qr{Can't locate This/Does/Not/Exist\.pm in \@INC}, 'load_first_existing_class throws a familiar error for a single module' );

    package Other;
    use constant foo => "bar";

is( exception {
    ok(Class::MOP::is_class_loaded("Other"), 'is_class_loaded(Other)');
}, undef, "a class with just constants is still a class" );

    package Lala;
    use metaclass;

is( exception {
    is(Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class("Lala", "Does::Not::Exist"), "Lala", 'load_first_existing_class 1/2 params ok, class name returned');
    is(Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class("Does::Not::Exist", "Lala"), "Lala", 'load_first_existing_class 2/2 params ok, class name returned');
}, undef, 'load_classes works' );

like( exception {
    Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class("Does::Not::Exist", "Also::Does::Not::Exist")
}, qr/Does::Not::Exist.*Also::Does::Not::Exist/s, 'Multiple non-existant classes cause exception' );

    sub whatever {

    ok( ! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('TestClassLoaded'),
        'the mere mention of TestClassLoaded in the whatever sub does not make us think it has been loaded' );

    require TestClassLoaded::Sub;
    ok( ! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('TestClassLoaded'),
        'requiring TestClassLoaded::Sub does not make us think TestClassLoaded is loaded' );

    require TestClassLoaded;
    ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('TestClassLoaded'),
        'We see that TestClassLoaded is loaded after requiring it (it has methods but no $VERSION or @ISA)' );

    require TestClassLoaded2;
    ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('TestClassLoaded2'),
        'We see that TestClassLoaded2 is loaded after requiring it (it has a $VERSION but no methods or @ISA)' );

    require TestClassLoaded3;
    ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('TestClassLoaded3'),
        'We see that TestClassLoaded3 is loaded after requiring it (it has an @ISA but no methods or $VERSION)' );

        package Not::Loaded;
        our @ISA;

    ok( ! Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('Not::Loaded'),
        'the mere existence of an @ISA for a package does not mean a class is loaded' );

        package Loaded::Ish;
        our @ISA = 'Foo';

    ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('Loaded::Ish'),
        'an @ISA with members does mean a class is loaded' );

        package Class::WithVersion;
        our $VERSION = 23;

    ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('Class::WithVersion', { -version => 13 }),
        'version 23 satisfies version requirement 13' );

    ok( !Class::MOP::is_class_loaded('Class::WithVersion', { -version => 42 }),
        'version 23 does not satisfy version requirement 42' );

    like( exception {
        Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class('Affe', 'Tiger', 'Class::WithVersion' => { -version => 42 });
    }, qr/Class::WithVersion version 42 required--this is only version 23/, 'load_first_existing_class gives correct exception on old version' );

    is( exception {
        Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class('Affe', 'Tiger', 'Class::WithVersion' => { -version => 13 });
    }, undef, 'loading class with required version with load_first_existing_class' );

    like( exception {
        Class::MOP::load_class('Class::WithVersion' => { -version => 42 });
    }, qr/Class::WithVersion version 42 required--this is only version 23/, 'load_class gives correct exception on old version' );

    is( exception {
        Class::MOP::load_class('Class::WithVersion' => { -version => 13 });
    }, undef, 'loading class with required version with load_class' );



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