#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
our $VERSION = '0.10';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
binmode STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use Config::JSON::Enhanced;
use Data::Roundtrip qw/perl2yaml no-unicode-escape-permanently/;
my $OUTPUT_FILE = undef;
my %params = (
'commentstyle' => 'custom(</*)(*/>)',
'tags' => ['<%', '%>'],
sub usage { return
"Usage : $0 [--I inputstring] [--i 'afile.json'] [--o afile] [--c commentstyle] [--tags tags]\n"
."\nIt will read a JSON string from command line (-I), or from a file (-i)\n"
."\nor from STDIN (beware 4K limit on linux terminal, see CAVEATS for workaround).\n"
."It will print its contents as a Perl variable (dump) to STDOUT or to a file (--o).\n"
."It can escape/un-escape unicode characters (--escape-unicode) and/or --terse and/or --indent.\n"
if( ! Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'i=s' => \$params{'filename'},
'I=s' => sub { $params{'string'} = Encode::decode_utf8($_[1]) },
'o=s' => \$OUTPUT_FILE,
'commentstyle|c=s' => \$params{'commentstyle'},
'tags|t=s' => \$params{'tags'},
) ){ die usage() }
if( ! exists($params{'filename'}) && ! exists($params{'string'}) ){
# read from STDIN
$params{'string'} = do { local $/; <STDIN> }
my $result = Config::JSON::Enhanced::config2perl(\%params);
if( ! defined $result ){ print STDERR "$0 : error, call to ".'Config::JSON::Enhanced::config2perl()'." has failed.\n"; exit(1) }
if( defined $OUTPUT_FILE ){
my $FH;
if( ! open($FH, '>', $$OUTPUT_FILE) ){
print STDERR "$0 : error, failed to open output file '$OUTPUT_FILE', $!\n";
print STDOUT perl2yaml($result);
} else {
print $FH perl2yaml($result);
close $FH;
} else {
print STDOUT perl2yaml($result);
### pod follows
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME : convert JSON data to a Perl variable (dump) which can be parsed or eval'ed by any Perl script.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.10
=head1 SYNOPSIS -i "input.json" -o "" --no-escape-unicode --terse --no-indent -e < "input.json" > ""
# press CTRL-D when done typing JSON to STDIN
# input must be less than 4K long!
# Read input from clipboard or write output to clipboard
# Only in: Unix / Linux / OSX
# (must have already installed xclip or xsel or pbpaste (on OSX)) -e < $(xclip -o) -e < $(pbaste)
# write the output to the clipboard for further pasting -i input.json | xclip -i
# clicking mouse's middle-button will paste the result
=head1 USAGE
=over 4
=item * C<--i filename> : specify a filename which contains a JSON
data structure.
=item * C<--I "string"> : specify a string which contains a JSON
data structure.
=item * C<--o outputfilename> : specify the output filename to write
the result to, which will be as a Perl variable, as a dump,
which can be parsed or eval'ed from any Perl script.
=item * C<--escape-unicode> : it will escape all unicode characters, and
convert them to something like "\u0386". This is the default option.
=item * C<--no-escape-unicode> : it will NOT escape unicode characters. Output
will not contain "\u0386" or "\x{386}" but "α" (that's a greek alpha).
=item * C<--terse> / C<--no-terse> : Terse form of output (no $VAR1 for example).
The second is the default option.
=item * C<--indent> / C<--no-indent> : do not use indentation. The first is the default option.
Input can be read from an input file (--i), from a string at the
command line (--I) (properly quoted!), from STDIN (which also includes
a file redirection C<< < inputfile.json > outputfile.perl >>
For more information see L<Data::Roundtrip>.
=head1 CAVEATS
Under Unix/Linux,
the maximum number of characters that can be read
on a terminal is 4096. So, in reading-from-STDIN mode
beware how much you type or how much you copy-paste
onto the script. If it complains about malformed input
then this is the case. The workaround is to type/paste
onto a file and operate on that using C<< --i afile >>
or redirection C<< < afile >>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andreas Hadjiprocopis, C<< <bliako at> / <andreashad2 at> >>