


## Various stuff that does not go elsewhere

use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch', 't';
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI;
use DBD::Pg qw/:pg_types :pg_limits/;
require '';

my $dbh = connect_database();

if (! $dbh) {
    plan skip_all => 'Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing';
plan tests => 109;

my $superuser = is_super();

isnt ($dbh, undef, 'Connect to database for miscellaneous tests');

my $t = q{Method 'server_trace_flag' is available without a database handle};
my $num;
eval {
    $num = DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flag('NONE');
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t = q{Driver handle is obtainable directly from DBD::Pg};
my $drh = DBD::Pg->driver;
is (ref $drh, 'DBI::dr', $t);

$t = q{Method 'private_attribute_info' is available without a database handle and returns an empty hashref};
my $result = $drh->private_attribute_info();
is_deeply ($result, {}, $t);

$t = q{Internal method 'CLONE' returns undef};
$result = DBD::Pg->CLONE();
is ($result, undef, $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MIN_SMALLINT returns expected value of -32768';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::smallint');
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], -32768, $t);

$t = 'Trying to fit one less than PG_MIN_SMALLINT into a smallint returns expected error';
eval { $sth->execute(PG_MIN_SMALLINT-1) };
is ( $dbh->state, '22003', $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MAX_SMALLINT returns expected value of 32767';
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], 32767, $t);

$t = 'Trying to fit one more than PG_MAX_SMALLINT into a smallint returns expected error';
eval { $sth->execute(PG_MAX_SMALLINT+1) };
is ( $dbh->state, '22003', $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MIN_INTEGER returns expected value of -2147483648';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::integer');
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], -2147483648, $t);

$t = 'Trying to fit one less than PG_MIN_INTEGER into an int returns expected error';
eval { $sth->execute(PG_MIN_INTEGER-1) };
is ( $dbh->state, '22003', $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MAX_INTEGER returns expected value of 2147483647';
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], 2147483647, $t);

$t = 'Trying to fit one more than PG_MAX_INTEGER into an int returns expected error';
eval { $sth->execute(PG_MAX_INTEGER+1) };
is ( $dbh->state, '22003', $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MIN_BIGINT returns expected value of -9223372036854775808';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::bigint');
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], '-9223372036854775808', $t);

$t = 'Trying to fit one less than PG_MIN_BIGINT into a bigint returns expected error';
## Unlike the others, we cannot modify Perl side in case of a 32-bit system
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::bigint-1');
eval { $sth->execute(PG_MIN_BIGINT) };
is ( $dbh->state, '22003', $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MAX_BIGINT returns expected value of 9223372036854775807';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::bigint');
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], '9223372036854775807', $t);

$t = 'Trying to fit one more than PG_MAX_BIGINT into a bigint returns expected error';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::bigint+1');
eval { $sth->execute(PG_MAX_BIGINT) };
is ( $dbh->state, '22003', $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MIN_SMALLSERIAL is set to 1';

$t = 'Constant PG_MAX_SMALLSERIAL returns expected value of 32767 (same as PG_MAX_SMALLINT)';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ?::bigint');
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], 32767, $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MIN_SERIAL is set to 1';
is (PG_MIN_SERIAL, 1, $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MAX_SERIAL returns expected value of 2147483647 (same as PG_MAX_INTEGER)';
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], 2147483647, $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MIN_BIGSERIAL is set to 1';
is (PG_MIN_BIGSERIAL, 1, $t);

$t = 'Constant PG_MAX_BIGSERIAL returns expected value of 9223372036854775807 (same as PG_MAX_BIGINT)';
is ( $sth->fetch->[0], '9223372036854775807', $t);

$t='Method "server_trace_flag" returns undef on bogus argument';
is ($num, undef, $t);

$t=q{Method "server_trace_flag" returns 0x00000100 for DBI value 'SQL'};
$num = DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flag('SQL');
is ($num, 0x00000100, $t);

$t=q{Method "server_trace_flag" returns 0x01000000 for DBD::Pg flag 'pglibpq'};
$num = DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flag('pglibpq');
is ($num, 0x01000000, $t);

$t=q{Database handle method "server_trace_flag" returns undef on bogus argument};
$num = $dbh->parse_trace_flag('NONE');
is ($num, undef, $t);

$t=q{Database handle method "server_trace_flag" returns 0x00000100 for DBI value 'SQL'};
$num = $dbh->parse_trace_flag('SQL');
is ($num, 0x00000100, $t);

$t=q{Database handle method 'server_trace_flags' returns 0x01000100 for 'SQL|pglibpq'};
$num = $dbh->parse_trace_flags('SQL|pglibpq');
is ($num, 0x01000100, $t);

$t=q{Database handle method 'server_trace_flags' returns 0x03000100 for 'SQL|pglibpq|pgstart'};
$num = $dbh->parse_trace_flags('SQL|pglibpq|pgstart');
is ($num, 0x03000100, $t);

$t = q{Method 'server_trace_flags' is available without a database handle};
$num = DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flags('SQL|pglibpq|pgstart');
is ($num, 0x03000100, $t);

my $flagexp = 24;
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT 1');
for my $flag (qw/pglibpq pgstart pgend pgprefix pglogin pgquote/) {

    my $hex = 2**$flagexp++;
    $t = qq{Database handle method "server_trace_flag" returns $hex for flag $flag};
    $num = $dbh->parse_trace_flag($flag);
    is ($num, $hex, $t);

    $t = qq{Database handle method 'server_trace_flags' returns $hex for flag $flag};
    $num = $dbh->parse_trace_flags($flag);
    is ($num, $hex, $t);

    $t = qq{Statement handle method "server_trace_flag" returns $hex for flag $flag};
    $num = $sth->parse_trace_flag($flag);
    is ($num, $hex, $t);

    $t = qq{Statement handle method 'server_trace_flags' returns $hex for flag $flag};
    $num = $sth->parse_trace_flag($flag);
    is ($num, $hex, $t);

$t = q{Database handle method "server_trace_flag" returns all-but-pgprefix for flag 'DBD'};
$num = $dbh->parse_trace_flag('DBD');
is ($num, 0x7FFFFF00 - 0x08000000, $t);


    my $SQL = q{
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dbdpg_test_error_handler(TEXT)
RETURNS boolean
LANGUAGE plpgsql
   level ALIAS FOR $1;
  IF level ~* 'notice' THEN
    RAISE NOTICE 'RAISE NOTICE FROM dbdpg_test_error_handler';
  ELSIF level ~* 'warning' THEN
    RAISE WARNING 'RAISE WARNING FROM dbdpg_test_error_handler';
  ELSIF level ~* 'exception' THEN
    RAISE EXCEPTION 'RAISE EXCEPTION FROM dbdpg_test_error_handler';

    eval {
    if ($@) {
        $@ and skip ('Cannot load function  for testing', 6);

    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM dbdpg_test_error_handler( ? )');

    is( $sth->err, undef, q{Statement attribute 'err' is initially undef});

    $dbh->do(q{SET client_min_messages = 'ERROR'});

  TODO: {
        local $TODO = q{Known bug: notice and warnings should set err to 6};

        for my $level (qw/notice warning/) {
            is( $sth->err, 6, qq{Statement attribute 'err' set to 6 for level $level});

    for my $level (qw/exception/) {
        eval { $sth->execute($level);};
        is( $sth->err, 7, qq{Statement attribute 'err' set to 7 for level $level});

    for my $level (qw/normal/) {
        is( $sth->err, undef, q{Statement attribute 'err' set to undef when no notices raised});


    is( $sth->err, undef, q{Statement attribute 'err' set to undef after statement finishes});

    $dbh->do('DROP FUNCTION dbdpg_test_error_handler(TEXT)') or die $dbh->errstr;
    $dbh->do('SET client_min_messages = NOTICE');


## Some funkier connection attempts

    eval { require Test::Output; };
    skip ('Test::Output is needed for some connection tests', 2) if $@;

    $t=q{Connect with 'dbd_verbose' attrib sets debug output on};
    my ($testdsn,$testuser,$helpconnect,$su,$uid,$testdir,$pg_ctl,$initdb,$error,$version)
        = get_test_settings();
    $testdsn =~ s/^dbi/DBI/i;
    my $ldbh;
    Test::Output::stderr_like( sub { $ldbh = DBI->connect($testdsn, $testuser, $ENV{DBI_PASS},
                                                          {RaiseError => 1, dbd_verbose => 1}); $ldbh->do('select 1');
                                 }, qr/dbd_db_STORE/, $t);
    ## DBI is way too sticky with tracing stuff, so we need to turn it off here

    $t=q{Connect with no attributes at all works};
    $ldbh = DBI->connect($testdsn, $testuser, $ENV{DBI_PASS});
    ok (ref $ldbh, $t);


    eval {
        require File::Temp;
    $@ and skip ('Must have File::Temp to complete trace flag testing', 9);

    my ($fh,$filename) = File::Temp::tempfile('dbdpg_test_XXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.tst', UNLINK => 1);
    my ($flag, $info, $expected, $SQL);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'SQL' works as expected};
    $flag = $dbh->parse_trace_flags('SQL');
    $dbh->trace($flag, $filename);
    $SQL = q{SELECT 'dbdpg_flag_testing'};
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = qq{begin;\n\n$SQL;\n\ncommit;\n\n};
    is ($info, $expected, $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pglibpq' works as expected};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    $dbh->trace($dbh->parse_trace_flag('pglibpq'), $filename);
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{PQclear

    is ($info, $expected, $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pgstart' works as expected};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    $dbh->trace($dbh->parse_trace_flags('pgstart'), $filename);
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{Begin pg_quickexec (query: SELECT 'dbdpg_flag_testing' async: 0 async_status: 0)
Begin _result (sql: begin)
Begin _sqlstate
Begin _sqlstate
Begin dbd_db_commit
Begin pg_db_rollback_commit (action: commit AutoCommit: 0 BegunWork: 0)
Begin PGTransactionStatusType
Begin _result (sql: commit)
Begin _sqlstate
    is ($info, $expected, $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pgprefix' works as expected};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    $dbh->trace($dbh->parse_trace_flags('pgstart|pgprefix'), $filename);
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{dbdpg: Begin pg_quickexec (query: SELECT 'dbdpg_flag_testing' async: 0 async_status: 0)
dbdpg: Begin _result (sql: begin)
dbdpg: Begin _sqlstate
dbdpg: Begin _sqlstate
dbdpg: Begin dbd_db_commit
dbdpg: Begin pg_db_rollback_commit (action: commit AutoCommit: 0 BegunWork: 0)
dbdpg: Begin PGTransactionStatusType
dbdpg: Begin _result (sql: commit)
dbdpg: Begin _sqlstate
    is ($info, $expected, $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pgend' works as expected};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    $dbh->trace($dbh->parse_trace_flags('pgend'), $filename);
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{End _sqlstate (imp_dbh->sqlstate: 00000)
End _sqlstate (status: 1)
End _result
End _sqlstate (imp_dbh->sqlstate: 00000)
End _sqlstate (status: 2)
End pg_quickexec (rows: 1, txn_status: 2)
End _sqlstate (imp_dbh->sqlstate: 00000)
End _sqlstate (status: 1)
End _result
End pg_db_rollback_commit (result: 1)
    is ($info, $expected, $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pglogin' returns undef if no activity};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    $dbh->trace($dbh->parse_trace_flags('pglogin'), $filename);
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; $info = <$fh>; }
    $expected = undef;
    is ($info, $expected, $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pglogin' works as expected with DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flag()};
    my $flagval = DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flag('pglogin');
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    DBI->trace($flagval, $filename);
    $dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});
    $dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{Login connection string: 
Connection complete
Disconnection complete
    $info =~ s/(Login connection string: ).+/$1/g;
    is ($info, "$expected$expected", $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pglogin' works as expected with DBD::Pg->parse_trace_flag()};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    DBI->trace($flagval, $filename);
    $dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{Login connection string: 
Connection complete
Disconnection complete
    $info =~ s/(Login connection string: ).+/$1/g;
    is ($info, "$expected", $t);

    $t=q{Trace flag 'pgprefix' and 'pgstart' appended to 'pglogin' work as expected};
    seek $fh, 0, 0;
    truncate $fh, tell($fh);
    DBI->trace($flagval, $filename);
    $dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});
    $flagval += $dbh->parse_trace_flags('pgprefix|pgstart');
    seek $fh,0,0;
    { local $/; ($info = <$fh>) =~ s/\r//go; }
    $expected = q{Login connection string: 
Connection complete
dbdpg: Begin pg_quickexec (query: SELECT 'dbdpg_flag_testing' async: 0 async_status: 0)
dbdpg: Begin _sqlstate
    $info =~ s/(Login connection string: ).+/$1/g;
    is ($info, "$expected", $t);

} ## end trace flag testing using File::Temp

# Test of the "data_sources" method

$t='The "data_sources" method did not throw an exception';
my @sources;
eval {
    @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='The "data_sources" method returns a template1 listing';
if (! defined $sources[0]) {
    fail ('The data_sources() method returned an empty list');
else {
    is (grep (/^dbi:Pg:dbname=template1$/, @sources), '1', $t);

$t='The "data_sources" method returns undef when fed a bogus second argument';
@sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg','foobar');
is (scalar @sources, 0, $t);

$t='The "data_sources" method returns information when fed a valid port as the second arg';
my $port = $dbh->{pg_port};
@sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg',"port=$port");
isnt ($sources[0], undef, $t);

$t='The "data_sources" method works when DBI_DSN is not set';
    local $ENV{DBI_DSN};
    eval {
        @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='The "data_sources" method works when DBI_USER is not set or not set';
    local $ENV{DBI_USER} = 'alice';
    eval {
        @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    is ($@, q{}, $t);
    local $ENV{DBI_USER};
    eval {
        @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='The "data_sources" method works when DBI_PASS is set or not set';
    local $ENV{DBI_PASS} = 'foo';
    eval {
        @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    is ($@, q{}, $t);
    local $ENV{DBI_PASS};
    eval {
        @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    is ($@, q{}, $t);


    $t=q{The "data_sources" method returns information when 'dbi:Pg' is uppercased};

    if (! exists $ENV{DBI_DSN} or $ENV{DBI_DSN} !~ /pg/i) {
        skip 'Cannot test data_sources() DBI_DSN munging unless DBI_DSN is set', 2;

    my $orig = $ENV{DBI_DSN};
    $ENV{DBI_DSN} =~ s/DBI:PG/DBI:PG/i;
    @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    like ((join '' => @sources), qr{template0}, $t);

    $t=q{The "data_sources" method returns information when 'DBI:' is mixed case};

    $ENV{DBI_DSN} =~ s/DBI:PG/dBi:pg/i;
    @sources = DBI->data_sources('Pg');
    like ((join '' => @sources), qr{template0}, $t);

    $ENV{DBI_DSN} = $orig;


# Test the use of $DBDPG_DEFAULT

## Do NOT use the variable at all before the call - even in a string (test for RT #112309)
$t=q{Using $DBDPG_DEFAULT works};
$sth = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test (id, pname) VALUES (?,?)});
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);

# Test transaction status changes

$t='Raw ROLLBACK via do() resets the transaction status correctly';
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
eval { $dbh->do('ROLLBACK'); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);
eval { $dbh->begin_work(); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Using dbh->commit() resets the transaction status correctly';
eval { $dbh->commit(); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);
eval { $dbh->begin_work(); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Raw COMMIT via do() resets the transaction status correctly';
eval { $dbh->do('COMMIT'); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);
eval { $dbh->begin_work(); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Calling COMMIT via prepare/execute resets the transaction status correctly';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('COMMIT');
eval { $dbh->begin_work(); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

## Check for problems in pg_st_split_statement by having it parse long strings
my $problem;
for my $length (0..16384) {
    my $sql = sprintf 'SELECT %*d', $length + 3, $length;
    my $cur_len = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql);
    next if $cur_len == $length;
    $problem = "length $length gave us a select of $cur_len";

if (defined $problem) {
    fail ("pg_st_split_statment failed: $problem");
else {
    pass ('pg_st_split_statement gave no problems with various lengths');

my $newdepth = $^O =~ /win/i ? 3000 : 7600;
$superuser and $dbh->do("set max_stack_depth = $newdepth");
## Check for problems with insane number of placeholders
for my $ph (1..13) {
    my $total = 2**$ph;
    $t = "prepare/execute works with $total placeholders";
    my $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relpages IN (' . ('?,' x $total);
    $sql =~ s/.$/\)/;
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    my @arr = (1..$total);
    my $count = $sth->execute(@arr);
    is $count, 1, $t;

## Make sure our mapping of char/SQL_CHAR/bpchar is working as expected
$dbh->do('CREATE TEMP TABLE tt (c_test int, char4 char(4))');

$sth = $dbh->prepare ('SELECT * FROM tt');
my @stt = @{$sth->{TYPE}};

$sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO tt VALUES (?,?)');

$sth->bind_param(1, undef, $stt[0]); ## 4
$sth->bind_param(2, undef, $stt[1]); ## 1 aka SQL_CHAR
$sth->execute(2, '0301');

my $SQL = 'SELECT char4 FROM tt';
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];

$t = q{Using bind_param with type 1 yields a correct bpchar value};
is( $result, '0301', $t);

$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
$t = q{Cloned database handle inherits the changed AutoCommit value};
my $clone = $dbh->clone();
is ($clone->{AutoCommit}, 1, $t);

$t = q{Cloned database handle is separate from its parent};
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
is ($clone->{AutoCommit}, 1, $t);


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.