

package Devel::ThreadsForks;

# set version information
$VERSION= '0.08';

# make sure we do everything by the book from now on
use strict;
use warnings;

# set up the code for use in "do 'threadsforks'"
my $file= 'threadsforks';
my $code= <<'CODE';
# This file was auto-generated by Devel::ThreadsForks XXXXX on

# mark that we've run this (for testing mostly)
$Devel::ThreadsForks::SIZE= SSSSS;

# get configuration information
require Config;

# no ithreads and no forks
if ( !$Config{useithreads} and !eval { require forks; 1 } ) {
    print STDERR <<"TEXT";

* This distribution requires a version of Perl that has threads enabled
* or which has the module installed.  Unfortunately, this does
* not appear to be the case for $^X.
* Please install a threaded version of Perl, or the "forks" module
* before trying to install this distribution again.


    # byebye
    exit 1;

# set version info in generated file
    no strict;
    $code =~ s#XXXXX#$VERSION#s;
    $code =~ s#YYYYY# scalar localtime #se;
    $code =~ s#SSSSS# sprintf( '%5d', length $code ) #se;

# satisfy -require-

# Standard Perl features
#  IN: 1 class (ignored)

sub import {

    # need to adapt code in $0
    if ( !-e $file ) {

        # get running script
        open( IN, $0 )
          or _die("Could not open script for reading '$0': $!");
        my $script= do { local $/; <IN> };
        close IN;

        # update the script
        if ( $script =~
          s#(BEGIN\s*\{\s*eval\s*"\s*use\s+Devel::ThreadsForks\s*)(["'])\s*\s*\}#$1; 1$2 or do '$file' }#s ) {

            # adapt script
            print STDERR "Installing 'threadsforks' checking logic for $0\n";
            open( OUT, ">$0" )
              or _die("Could not open script for writing '$0': $!");
            print OUT $script;
            close OUT
              or _die("Problem flushing '$0': $!");

            # write out check file
            open( OUT, ">$file" )
              or _die("Could not open '$file' for writing: $!");
            print OUT $code;
            close OUT
              or _die("Problem flushing '$file': $!");

            # update the manifest(s)
            foreach my $manifest ( glob( "MANIFEST*" ) ) {
                open( OUT, ">>$manifest" ) or die "Could not open '$manifest': $!";
                print OUT "$file                threads/forks test (added by Devel::ThreadsForks)\n";
                close OUT
                  or _die("Problem flushing '$manifest': $!");

            # cannot continue to execute $0, so we do it from here and then exit
            `$^X $0`;
            exit $? >> 8; # propagate the exit value

        # huh?
        _die( __PACKAGE__ . " could not find code snippet, aborting\n" );

    # new version of checking file
    elsif ( -s $file != length $code ) {
        print STDERR "Updating 'threadsforks' checking logic\n";
        open( OUT, ">$file" )
          or _die("Could not open '$file' for writing: $!");
        print OUT $code;
        close OUT
          or _die("Problem flushing '$file': $!");

    # do the check
    do "./$file";
} #import

# Internal subroutines
# _die
#  IN: 1 message to die with

sub _die {
    my ($text)= @_;

    print STDERR $text, $\;
    exit 1;
} #_die



=head1 NAME

Devel::ThreadsForks - check for availability of threads or forks

=head1 VERSION

This documentation describes version 0.08.


 # before
 BEGIN { eval "use Devel::ThreadsForks" }

 # after
 BEGIN { eval "use Devel::ThreadsForks; 1" or do "threadsforks" }
 # "threadsforks" written and added to MANIFEST


The Devel::ThreadsForks module only serves a purpose in the development
environment of an author of a CPAN distribution (or more precisely: a user
of the L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> module).  It only needs to be installed on the
development environment of an author of a CPAN distribution.

There are basically three situations in which this module can get called.


If the developer has Devel::ThreadsForks installed, and adds the line:

 BEGIN { eval "use Devel::ThreadsForks" }

at the start of the Makefile.PL, then running the Makefile.PL will create a
file called "threadsforks" in the current directory.  This file is intended
to be called with a C<do>.  It performs the actual check whether the
L<threads> can run, or whether the L<forks> module has been installed in
case it is running on an unthreaded Perl.

It will also adapt the code in the Makefile.PL itself by changing it to:

 BEGIN { eval "use Devel::ThreadsForks; 1" || do 'threadsforks' }

Finally, it will adapt the MANIFEST by adding the line:

 threadsforks                threads/forks test (Added by Devel::ThreadsForks)

This will cause the check file to be included in any distribution made for
that Makefile.PL.


Any subsequent loading of this module, will just execute the "threadsforks"
file and not do anything else.


A user trying to install the distribution, will most likely B<not> have the
Devel::ThreadsForks module installed.  This is ok, because then the eval in:

 BEGIN { eval "use Devel::ThreadsForks; 1" or do "threadsforks" }

will fail, and the "threadsforks" file will get executed.  And thus perform
the test in the user environment.  And fail with a message if the version of
Perl is not thread-enabled, or does not have the L<forks> module installed.



=head1 AUTHOR

Elizabeth Mattijsen, <>.

maintained by LNATION, <>.


Copyright (c) 2012 Elizabeth Mattijsen <>, 2019 LNATION <>.  All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.


Powered by Groonga
Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.