package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TestMLIncluder;
our $VERSION = '0.19';
use Moose;
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer';
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger';
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PrereqSource';
use Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory;
use IO::All;
# Check that author has TestML enabled:
my $testml_root;
$testml_root = $ENV{TESTML_ROOT};
die <<'...' if not defined $testml_root;
TESTML_ROOT is not set in your environment.
This means TestML is not set up properly.
For more information, see:
-d $testml_root and -f "$testml_root/bin/testml"
or die "Invalid TESTML_ROOT '$testml_root'";
# Load the local TestML::Compiler:
unshift @INC, "$testml_root/src/testml-compiler-perl/lib";
require TestML::Compiler;
# Pull the local Perl TestML modules into inc/lib/:
sub gather_files {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $file (io("$testml_root/src/perl/lib")->All_Files) {
my $path = $file->pathname;
$path =~ s{\Q$testml_root\E/src/perl/}{};
$self->add("inc/$path", $file->all);
# Also add the user-side-only TestML runner bin: 'testml-cpan':
my $testml_cpan = <<'...';
use lib 't', 'inc/lib';
use TestML::Run::TAP;
my $testml_file = $ARGV[-1];
my $test_file = $testml_file;
$test_file =~ s/(.*)\.t$/inc\/$1.tml.lingy/
or die "Error with '$testml_file'. testml-cpan only works with *.t files.";
-e $test_file
or die "TestML file '$testml_file' not compiled as '$test_file'";
# Modify TestML .t files and the Makefile.PL (on the user side):
sub munge_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
# Change shebang lines for TestML .t files:
if ($file->name =~ m{^t/.*\.t$}) {
my $content = $file->content;
return unless $content =~ /\A#!.*testml.*/;
$content =~ s{\A#!.*testml.*}{#!inc/bin/testml-cpan};
# Then precompile the TestML .t files to Lingy/JSON:
my $compiler = TestML::Compiler->new;
my $lingy = $compiler->compile($content, $file->name);
my $name = $file->name;
$name =~ s/\.t$// or die;
$name = "inc/$name.tml.lingy";
$self->add($name => $lingy);
# Add a footer to Makefile.PL to use the user's perl in testml-cpan:
elsif ($file->name eq 'Makefile.PL') {
my $content = $file->content;
$content .= <<'...';
use Config;
use File::Find;
my $file = 'inc/bin/testml-cpan';
open IN, '<', $file or die "Can't open '$file' for input";
my @bin = <IN>;
close IN;
shift @bin;
unshift @bin, "#!$Config{perlpath}\n";
open OUT, '>', $file or die "Can't open '$file' for output";
print OUT @bin;
close OUT;
chmod 0755, 'inc/bin/testml-cpan';
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my $file = 'inc/bin/testml-cpan.cmd';
open OUT, '>', $file or die "Can't open '$file' for output";
print OUT 'if exist "%~dpn0" perl %0 %*', "\r\n";
close OUT;
find sub {
return unless -f && /\.t$/;
my $file = $_;
open IN, '<', $file or die "Can't open '$file' for input";
return unless <IN> =~ /testml-cpan/;
my $text = do {local $/; <IN>};
close IN;
open OUT, '>', $file or die "Can't open '$file' for output";
print OUT '#!inc\\bin\\testml-cpan', "\r\n";
print OUT $text;
close OUT;
}, 't';
sub add {
my ($self, $name, $content) = @_;
name => $name,
content => $content,
sub register_prereqs {
my $self = shift;
type => 'requires',
phase => 'test',
'JSON::PP' => 0,
no Moose;